The Most Dangerous Place for an African American is in the Womb - NY City Billboard

I don't agree with HOW they are trying to spark awareness cause I'm sure there are wiser ways to do this with out sending a message to innocent tweens that being African American is the worst thing to be!!!!................ further promoting self-hatred, as if we as a culture we don't have enough of it.  

I literally mean African Americans, not 1st generation Africans here in America there is a difference cause they believe in tribing together and big families I have African friends. 
However, I do want to comment on the underlying message.  I'm a Pro-Lifer (now-I wasn't always from experience) my thoughts are if your reading this God and your momma gave you a chance to be here who are we to take that chance from another soul at conception, the worse is partial birth abortion which I don't understand why Obama would agree to.  There are cases babies were born at 5-6 months and are living today.  Why murder a child in the womb at the same age.   

There are to many great men and women who came out of poor and diverse upbringing, including our President (hmm but His mother is caucasion so statistics say she'd be less likely than an African descended mother to abort).  They are leaders and fighters

EXAMPLE- This founder of the site below  is named James Robison his mother was raped.  Instead of aborting the child, she gave him up for adoption.  He went on to being one of the Pioneers of bringing clean water to 3rd world countries beginning with Africa, saving MILLIONS of LIVES.  Now there are more organizations following in his foot steps but we need more.  Some one with the cure for a major disease was just aborted.......EVERY LIFE IS PRECIOUS! 

- Kitty
On another note The LEADING Ethnicity to Abort are AFRICAN AMERICANS, we are killing future Presidents, Scientists and People who could do great good to this world. THE ABORTION CLINICS target "URBAN" areas, which just happen to be mostly African American areas, Uh Hum ........Clear my racism still exists and genocide through abortion is targeting our people it's not a coincident or accident.  

First there was segregation, when whites and blacks couldn't be in the same room together , then when we were all   "Intergrated"  ,  the powers that be created "regional segregation" so technically laws prevent segregation but what did happen was ghettos (mostly African decendants) popped up everywhere.  Cheapest rent, then "they" pumped drugs into those neighborhoods, liquor stores on every corner and abortion clinics everywhere, in mentally opressive situations now there are neighborhoods full of depressed individuals which dominos to gang violence, robbery, prostitution, drug sales (trying to get ahead in the world), crack houses.  

Youth today don't even realize we are only 40-50 years from when integration began.  Youth today have just accepted these injustices as a norm cause no one has taught them any better and that's all they've know.  Just like booty popping videos and women being disrespected constantly.  

We don't have to be a product of our environment,  We were BORN with free will and can choose  who we want to become-Be UPLIFTED stop killing "our" babies.- Kitty