Can you take out - remove Dredlocks / Sisterlocks? Yes by Combing them out or Cutting them off

So for the longest time when people would ask me how do you remove dredlocks ? I would always say "You have to cut them off".  However, I've found out recently that was not a true statement.  I just found out and found testimonials of people who actually combed out / unraveled their locs. 

So I stand corrected it's truly up to you.  For someone like me who is a Hair-Schizophrenic that's a mental note.  Personally I know a few people who wouldn't dare part with their locs but for some here's another option if you don't want to go the big chop route (which to me would be way easier).  I'd always suggest don't re-twist and just grow out your roots.  I saw a picture of a girl who grew out at least 12 inches of new growth and just kept it conditioned, I saw one girl even permed her new growth (which doesn't make sense to me) but to each her own then just cut off the locks if you just HAVE TO HAVE HAIR LOL! ;0)

I guess it makes sense if your twisting like palm rolling your locs in one direction and not using alot of gook in your locs, I believe you could just un-ravel them the opposite way.  Maybe not in every locs case cause something would have to be cut off I think, but maybe not.

I believe all you need is to soften the hair with some hot water and conditioner then get one of the old school metal afro pick or something small enough to pick the edge out even a metal tooth scraper, s big safety pin and ALOT OF PATIENCE. - Kitty

 watch video:

 I combed out a loc!


Yes, You Can Comb Out Locs

 for my full google search click here:

Kirigo Kabuga Williams

Removing dreads is not impossible- but it is tedious, so make sure you can dedicate a long weekend to the task. That said, if you'd like to lose your dreads but keep your hair, it can be done.

Difficulty: Moderate


Things You'll Need:

  • Conditioning Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Comb- unbreakable, pref. rat-tail
  • hair clips
  • hair shears
  • clean spray bottle
  • movies, audiobooks, etc. for distraction (optional)
  1. 1
    Cut the at least the last 1/2 inch from the ends- this is the oldest part of your hair, and likely to be the most securely locked part. You can cut off all of the locked hair and comb out only the new growth as a short cut. However, if you choose to keep most of your hair, cutting the ends is still recommended.
  2. 2
    Shampoo your hair, blotting with a towel to remove excess water. Use a generous amount of shampoo on the hair, from end to root. Pick the locks apart using the comb (a pin will help you pick apart very tight locks), working on one dread at a time, combing through the hair as the lock comes apart. As hair dries, moisten with water from a spray bottle and apply more conditioner as needed. This is essentially a massive detangling of the hair.
  3. 3
    Place unlocked hair in clips to keep it out of the way while you unlock the remainder. Once all hair is unlocked, wash and condition hair as normal, and style using gentle techniques and tools.

Read more: How to Comb Out Dredlocks |

This link mentions a dred removal kit from DredHeadz

for all the links here my google search:;_ylt=A0oGdWkd3F1N6uwAw4BXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGFvAzAEZnIDYWFwbHcEaG9zdHB2aWQDbHB5T0prb0dkVEJ1YVRVclRQc2hvZ1FaU3pLUjFVMWQzQjBBQTBIcgRuX2dwcwMwBG5fdnBzAzAEb3JpZ2luA3NycARxdWVyeQNwaWNrIG91dCBkcmVkbG9ja3MEc2FvAzEEdnRlc3RpZAM-?p=pick+out+dredlocks&fr2=sb-top&fr=aaplw