How to make a Waist Cincher.....with Duck Tape (Budget Cincher)

Now you all know I love fashionable arts and crafts.  I make hats, clothes, dolls, glue some fur on a shoe and go. Here's one I think is easy to make and have fun doing it.  Duck Tape comes in all colors, neons and prints so the style is up to you. 

  1. 1
    Put on a t-shirt you don't want (cause you'll cut it up), and start wrapping the duct tape tightly around you. The t-shirt will stay under the duck tape cincher as an inline 

  2. After you've gotten the waist cincher shape that you'd like, cut yourself out of it up the front or back depends on where you want the opening

  3. Cut off all extra fabric, NOW You can keep it as a Duck tape Cincher OR you can now go to the fabric store and find a favorite fabric and sandwich the cincher in between to pieces of fabric or glue gun the fabric on top of the duck tape cincher.
  4. Mark off spots for buttons or buttonholes

  5. Sew on the buttons or make the buttonholes and put your string through

  6. Your Done!!!!