Fasting for Weight loss: Intermittent Fasting And Why Does It Work?

As we are approaching January many of us will be going on Annual fasts to hear God speak to us about the coming New Year, usually a corporate fast with your church.  I will start posting more info about fasting spiritually and medically why it is necessary and works- Kitty

There are 3 things we all need to stay alive. Oxygen, water and food. Of the 3, food is the least important and even though we can go weeks without food we cannot go more than day without water or even a couple of minutes without oxygen.
The reason why most people re overweight is very simple. We eat more than we should. Losing weight is an equally simple formula: eat les calories than you burn. This is what conventional diets all try without much success. They try to limit your calorie intake slowly and gradually BUT this is also where it FAILS.
In his exhaustive study on the possibilities of fasting to lose weight, Brad Pilon researched how and when the body burns calories. After you eat you body uses that food for fuel. Only when that fuel is used up will it start burning excess calories (stored as fat). The problem Brad found was that most people never reach that level where their bodies start burning excess fat.
This is where fasting comes in. The principal is very simple. By fasting for short periods of time, you allow you body to reach this fat burning stage. Because you are only fasting for short periods of time you never really experience any real hunger or expose yourself to the dangers of long term fasting.
One of the main reasons why weight loss fasting works is because it actually stimulates the fat burning hormones that most diets never trigger. If done in a controlled way and by following a very calculated plan you can lose weight quickly without going on a diet at all. You are simply using your body’s natural ability to burn fat. Its safe, its healthy and most of all it works.

articlesWeight Loss With Fasting – What You Need To Know

With all the TV shows and magazines stuffing the latest FAD diets down our throats its refreshing to find something that actually works. Fasting is by no means a “miracle cure” for losing weight quickly, but it is a method that’s been proven to work.
FAD diets are incredibly unhealthy. They deprive your body from vital vitamins and nutrients and usually those who do lose weight with it eventually fall back to their old ways – only to gain even more weight back.
Fasting is not at all what you think it is. Its originally a spiritual practice and many religions promote fasting as a way to purify the body. By purifying the body, the mind and the spirit gets cleansed. What many dedicated spiritual students noticed hundreds of years ago was the immense health benefits of fasting and that losing weight was a side effect.
You don’t need to buy into any of the spiritual benefits to use fasting to lose weight. Its not about giving up on food and starving yourself until you are thin and slim.
This is what most people think it is and that’s often why they don’t even attempt it.
The correct term for it should be intermitted fasting. We are only fasting for short periods of time. But why does this work? Well, there are several reasons. The first being that you actually give your body and your digestive system a break and in the process it gets a chance to “catch up” and actually cleanse your body properly. Often people lose a couple of pounds of pure gunk that’s been building up inside.
Secondly, fasting to lose weight is based on the most fundamental principal of weight loss. You have to burn more calories than you consume. It is the ONLY way to lose weight and during a fast you do just that.
Apart from different time-frames for your fast, there’s also different types of fasting. A water fast is basically a fasting period where you would only drink water while a juice fast will focus on different juices to help you during the fast. A juice fast can be extremely powerful as certain juice combination can help speed up the elimination of fat and the cleansing of your body.
Fasting is an easy way to lose weight quickly. You only have to do it once or twice a week and it really does not take all that much will power. Its also a healthy dieting option and will leave you feeling great. No annoying (and weird) foods to prepare and no strenuous exercise regimes. Just a proven method that is hundreds of years old.

Intermittent fasting to lose weight really can’t be beat and if you eat low carbs in between fasts you will turn in to a fat burning machine. . . literally! Quit playing around with the fad diets and magic pills. Try intermittent fasting and get that hot body that you had back when you were younger. Your guy or girl will love you for it!
iStock 000010693592XSmall Top 3 Reasons Why Fasting to Lose Weight is so Effective.[I'm not saying that fasting will get you the guy or girl of your dreams, but don't we all feel better when we are in shape and confident, regardless of what we have on? This hot couple don't look like they are self conscious about their bodies, isn't it your turn now?]
There are many reasons why intermittent fasting works so well, below is a list of my top 3 reasons.

Top 3 Reasons Intermittent Fasting Works

1) By doing an intermittent 24 hour fast, you will cut your calories significantly, while still being able to eat each day. Obviously cutting your calories is key to losing weight and keeping it off. Remember there are two key components to losing weight, eat less and exercise more. Intermittent fasting takes care of the eat less part of the equation.
2) Fasting is effective because when done in the Eat-Stop-Eat way, it is incredibly easy to stick to, which is the biggest knock on most diets. If you don’t stick with a diet, it’s not going to work long term, regardless of what you are eating. Most diets are incredibly hard to do more than a few weeks or a month at most, and most people don’t last longer than a week! They soon quit and are off to find the next biggest fad diet, only to do the same thing over and over again.
3) In between fasts, you can eat whatever you normally would. Of course, the better that you eat, the more weight you will lose and the healthier that you will be. That being said, if you change nothing about your diet and just fast two times a week, you are going to lose body fat. It’s that simple. You will lose weight and still be able to eat the way that you like to eat.