Soon meet John and Jane Doe Manitoba's only honest politicians?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post, "Politicians say the damnedest things during an election!"

I wish all federal election candidates in that riding well whatever their personal motives and politicial beliefs are.

Thankfully that election will soon be over, and we in Manitoba can turn our attention to ensuring all manner of provincial political issues are addressed to the voters satisfaction before the fall election.

I sincerely hope the leader and candidates of Manitoba's Progressive Party will not engage in the type of antics we have seen thus far on the national stage.


Dear Don:

Thank you for writing. Your previous response to Ms Glover and our comments been passed on to her. Should she choose to respond we'll publish it.

Yes, there's a Manitoba election sheduled for October of this year. Soon we can expect be be inundated with lawn signs, television ads, refuse receptacles, flyers, knocks on your door, etc. only difference this time around it will be Manitoba politicians.

Clare L. Pieuk