Rocalabs No Surgery Gastric Bypass System (Shakes) - google the You Tubes made by Consumers

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I was on You Tube and saw the advertisement about this weightloss system.  It caught my attention so I decided to google what normal everyday people trying the system said.   Everyone said the same thing they lost their appetite.  It's a shake that fills you up and only leaves about 20% of your stomach left for consumption.  Apparently you drink it once a day.

I even thought one you tube was interesting cause it addressed food addiction all together she said She was not hungry but basically went to say she realized she just down right has an oral fixation she has to put food in her mouth EVEN THOUGH she wasn't hungry.  Everyone else said they lost weight.

search:  youtube/ rocalabs/ no surgery gastric bypass

and you will see the various testimonies I talked about.