Heoros on YG's Kovetz Heoros

Post by Melbourne Chabadnik:

Yesterday (Shabbos) I davvened in a non-Chabad Shul, where I was shown the latest issue of the "Kovetz Heoros Hatmimim V'Anash" published by our Yeshiva Gedolah - copies of which had been dropped off there.

One fellow there asked me about the
 "ק''ז שנה להולדת כ''ק אדמו''ר נשיא דורנו" line which appears on the "shaar". He could not understand why the editors allow themselves to make "choyzek" of the rebbe z'l. He asked me to show him another publication with this type of nonsense. I coudln't really disagree with a second person who joined in on our conversation who said that while virtually all Jewry agrees that the rebbe was one of the outstanding Gedolim of the past generations, such childish and naarish things only serve to detract from and harm the reputation of such a great person. He continued, that creating such harm to the reputation of their rebbe or manhig wouldn't be tolerated in any other sector of Klal Yisroel.

I squirmed, fidgeted and mumbled some meaningless response - and left embarrassed.
Here again I can only repeat what Emmanuel wrote recently: "Be'oifen hamiskabel". That is what should be guiding all of us. Saying, doing or publishing things that make a joke of Lubavitch and/or the Rebbe must be dealt with immediately and the perpetuators stopped.

Chas vesholom that we become the laughing stock of Klall Yisroel!

By the way, perusing that Kovetz,  it is painfully obvious that it doesn't have too much quality material in it - save for Rabbi Telsner's Teshuva. The rebbe's Yiddish Sicha - which no doubt is of the highest quality - is unfortunately incomprehensibe to most of us - being in Yiddish. I would advise their editors to spruce it up a bit. We have many local Anash who are talmidei chachomim. Why aren't they invited to contribute?

And the dedication for this issue could have been worded better:
"fulfill their hearts desires materially" - can sometimes be a dangerous bracha..

I am personally a strong and long-time supporter of the YG with warm connections to many there. Thus I hope that my words will be taken as constructive criticism rather than negative kvetching.