Alice In Wonderland Palette Is FINALLY HERE!!!

OMG!!! I'm so thrilled and excited to receive the parcel from Debenhams as I knew what's inside. And boy was I trembling when I cut open the packages.

I can't even take proper photos on my own due to the extreme light headed feeling that I had to ask my boyfriend to hold the DSLR. (I'm still an amateur in photography using the DSLR as I find it quite tough learn with all the functions and buttons)

But anyway, I absolutely love what I'd got and the packaging (which is 5* out of 5) is superbly gorgeous. I haven't do any swatches yet as I would most probably swipe the pigmentation with my fingers and they aren't exactly what I'd call clean.

And £28 is definitely well worth money (even before trying it).

I think Alice In Wonderland Palette will be released in store (Debenhams UK) tomorrow . So maybe you might wanna check it out.