How to make Organic Lotion

Take an Aloe plant and cut the lower leaf from the plant. Variations in size of the Aloe Plant will predict how many of the leaves of the plant you will need. Take the leaves and cut them down the center and scrap the aloe gel from it in to a measuring cup. Do enough leaves until you get a full cup of it. Put it into a bowl large enough to mix all the ingredients.

Make a double broiler using one smaller pan and setting it into a larger pan of boiling water. Stir in the beeswax and the vegetable oil. Melt it and stir it until it is creamy.

Remove the pan from the double broiler and slowly pour into the aloe vera gel using a hand-held mixer on a slow speed to combine all 3 ingredients. Blend all ingredients well.

Add in the essential oil and small drop of red food coloring mixing all ingredients well.

Pour all ingredients into a sterilized jar or jars and store refrigerated up to 8 weeks. If you want it in a bottle with a small neck, use a funnel to get the lotion into the glass bottle.

The best essential oils for your body type are listed below and can be used for the essential oil called in this recipe.
Normal: 8 drops of lavender
Dry Skin: 8 drops patchouli or 2 drops of carrot or 4 drops of geranium
Oily skin: 10 drops of lemon
Sensitive: 3 drops of geranium