Slumdog Millionaire

the movies two leads Frieda Pinto and Dev Patel

Slumdog Millionaire

Dear Readers,

I've been to India more than once and I've loved it every time.
I've seen Bombay during the day and during the night, so seeing this movie (finally) really changed my life.
This movie was exactly true to life because it captured perfectly the reality of the slums.
It really is like that.
Shocking but true.

Hands down, Slumdog Millionaire is the best movie I've ever seen.
I sat in the cinema, transfixed by this amazing film from the first second to the last second.
The incredibly beautiful children steal this movie away from their adult contemporaries, however the combination of both really do make the artistically overwhelming journey worth watching more than once.
I will absolutely see this movie again.
The dance sequence during the end credits made me cry.
I was so full of joy when I exited the theater.

I'm so in love with the male lead actor Dev Patel.
I've always fancied Indian men really. So skinny and the brown eyes are a killer for sure. Everyone wants my blue eyes, and I want their brown ones.
We're never happy.
.....and Freida Pinto is so beyond gorgeous, I could not look away from her whenever she was on screen. I mean, I am in love with her.

Tonight is the Academy Awards.
Slumdog Millionaire will 100% walk away with the Oscar for Best Picture.
No question whatsoever.
Go and see this movie.
I felt like a millionaire when I left the theater.
I'm still blown away.

the young Slumdog Millionaire stars arriving at the Oscars