Had Portugese Egg Tart at Nandos. Was kinda happy to eat something that's related to my home as we use to eat Portugese chicken while shopping in City Square, JB.
The egg tart = £1.20. Hail and behold.

Its taste really good. Crispy on the outside and sort of creamy on the inside. If only I could get my hands on another one, I wouldn't mind the hefty price that comes with it.

I don't really care about the brand of the skincare product, as long as its cheap.

Cheap like half price and sold by Tesco (which is not an ideal place to purchase any this sort of products).
Don't care lah, buy 1st since its so cheap.

I really have to thank my bf (now you know his full name) for helping me getting this hayfever, anti-histamin meds... If I would have to get them myself from the pharmacist, I would have to pay £6.00 as I don't have the HC2 Form which exempt me paying a single buck. But Yoong has one, so he has to act on my behalf as if as he had been down with rashes and hayfever and him being a medical student does helps a bit in describing the symptoms. Haha, a master of disguise indeed. Eh, £6 leh... can save mah save loh... right??