After browsing through my eyes fell upon the post of her making Malaysian style pancake, and which suddenly made me miss the crunchy peanuts and creamy corn filling inside it.
Without further ado, I bought all the ingredients and start to make my very own Malaysian Pancake.
I had modified the recipe a bit by adding water into the dough paste as its a bit thick.
I'm too lazy to type how I did it, therefore I'm gonna copy and paste the recipe directly from her blog. Here goes:
200 g All Purpose Flour
100 g Rice Flour
1/2 tsp Sea Salt
2 tsp Double Action Baking Powder
2 Eggs, light beaten
100 g Sugar
Adequate water
200 g Roasted Peanuts, coarsely ground
100 g Sugar
200 g Can Cream Corn
3 - 4 Tbsp Salted Butter
In a bowl, whisk together all purpose flour, rice flour, sea salt, double action baking powder, eggs and sugar. Wrap the bowl in a plastic wrap and refrigerate for 5 hours or overnight.
Add in some water to smoothen and liquidize the mixture or it will be too doughy like.
Get ready the ingredients for the filling in advance as you need to place them onto your pancake as fast as possible without burning the skin (outer layer).
Lightly oil a small non-stick pan or a crepe pan (about 5 - 6 inches diameter) over a moderate heat. When the pan is hot, add about 3-4 Tbsp batter, evenly coating the pan. Cook for about 1 minute, as the batter sets and forms small bubbles, loosen the edges with a palette knife.
Sprinkle some sugar and peanuts on top of the pancake. Continue to cook until the pancake is light golden brown in color. Then top it with 1 tsp of butter and some cream corn. Lift the pancake from the pan, fold into half and serve immediately.
You should get 12 pancakes. Obviously, I had made more as I doubled the ingredients and there's still some leftover which I had for another use (will blog about it in another post).

The greedy me downed 4 pancakes in a go and was full like hell and just skipped dinner. Aiyo, its so tasty, I just can't stop myself... Excuse the starving maiden... ahem...
Go ahead, try it... its fun to make it too... But umm, for Malaysians, just buy them from the seller, its much cheaper that way.