I want to see Ko naked...hehehehe

Take it off Haydon, you bloody teaser....

It really is torture readers to watch but you must! hahahaha
photos from www.joriben.com
Dear Readers,
Poor Vicky Belo. (hehehehe)
There is a new 'scandal' video on line.
It's pure torture, but you have to watch it.
Haydon Ko... wow, his voice is amazing..... a true talent!
Truly, these people are insane for attention, so I'll give them some.
Vicky Belo must be DYING.
I'm sure she'll have to have her jaw reattached after she watches this clip.
While she's at it, she can have her eyes fixed.....
WHY on earth would ANYONE do a video like this?
Do they have no shame.
Katrina and Haydon are like from another world to me.
It's insanity because this video is on-line forever.
Katrina will never escape this horror.
Hahahaha, I laughed out loud at the start, but then I was almost sick.
I watched the video and literally cringed with shock and embarrassment for these two.
Trust me, the video is worth watching.
click to link