Mazel Tov to Rabbi Yossi Braun upon his elevation to the Beth Din of Crown Heights

From here.
As expected, Rav Y Braun has been declared the winner of the ballot for the 3rd position on the Beth Din of Crown Heights. Sydney Jewry are proud that this up-and-coming Rav and Posek "cut his teeth" in their midst, first as a bochur in Rabbi Feldman's Yeshiva Gedola and for the past decade or so as a Rav and educator to many.

AJN Watch joins Australia's frum communities - of all stripes - in wishing Rabbi Braun הצלחה רבה in all his endeavours to advance Torah and Yiddishkeit להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה in Crown Heights and the Chabad community worldwide. חזק ואמץ!