Its Been Such A Long Time Since I'd Written A Rambling Post

I know, some of you guys wouldn't liketo see lengthy wordy rambling post mixed full of emotions of the writer. But the point of starting my blog is to write whatever I wanted to say/shout or to let go of whatever that's been cooping up in my heart.

So here goes:

1. Someone commented that my english sucks. As in big time SUCKS. And she wasn't at all impressed with whatever I wrote. I'm quite the kinda gal that's easily affected by people's opinion or words towards me, thus after constantly being reminded that my english is comparable to elementary level, my confident in writing/speaking deteriorate tremendously. I'm not sure whether its psychologically tormented by the reminder or its true that my lack of practicing in the language contributes to my down-grading english. Even writing this post is taking up so much more effort that previous ones. I want to blame it on the lack of english going around in Japan, but I know deep down, its my own fault that I am currently not close friends with the E language. Tried to find a book store that sells english books, but unfortunately, I had to take the rapid line to the city to obtain a single english book -__-''' Speak about endangered species. English is kinda rare here.

2. Yoong had went back to Belfast. Which of course had led to a hole in my heart. I was so tempted to follow, but thought the better of it and continue to struggle with my life and work here in Japan. When your surroundings get tougher, and there's nobody to support you physically and directly, or you don't have someone to go to, running into their arms, you really just wanna hide from it all and cry till your heart's contend (in this case, you will never be contend). This is what I'm currently feeling right now. I admit, I suck at making friend, especially those trusted ones. Hence the lack of photos of me and my friends circulating the social website or in this blog. This peculiar attitude of mine would never change, therefore the dependancy on close/loved ones is great in me. I want Yoong now. I want my parents now. I want my siblings now. I want my friends now. And in this very moment, I'm turning into a crybaby which I don't mind changing into. T__T

3. My makeup collection is growing, steadily, and sometimes fluctuation wise. I love shopping the makeup aisle (because I had nobody to talk to and I'm bored at home). I always ended up with things that I already have in my collection. But the funny thing is that I don't get bored looking at my collection. Tell you guys a secret, I sometimes do talk to my makeup. Treating them as little kid. Alright, now you think that I'm mental (which frankly speaking, I am). I wanted to slide towards higher end ones, but the exorbitant prices of branded ones just puts me off. Its almost 50% the amount more than what I used to pay in the UK. I'd look into alternatives by searching online that offers international shipping, and yup, I do found a couple of them. But unfortunately, the only visa card I have is the UK one and the amount in my UK bank account is depleting. I have to transfer money from Japan to UK in order to make purchases. CLIS. Don't care, will find a way to transfer money, by hooks or by crooks.

4. The weather is freaking hot here. I wish I could carry a mini airconditioning thingy with me 24/7. I'm sweating like my sweat gland doesn't need a vacation. They are constantly working overtime and I pity them (what the hell am I talking about?? KI SIAO LIAO). But yeah, that's Japan's summer for you.

5. Why is everyone so into football aka worldcup?? Even my girlfriends are discussing them on facebook. I don't see whatever is exciting about world cup except that england and brazil and japan lost. But I'm just thankful that I don't get to hear the whole fiasco during work time, or I woulda spit the F word.

6. I love Barry M nail polishes. They are absolutely gorgeous. I'm currently wearing the colour mushroom and its a gorgeous greyish taupe brownish tone. I'll do a review on it. Not sure when. But if I remember, I'll certainly recommend to everyone. Its a pity that Barry M is sold in the UK only.

7. I wanted to post pictures of our (Yoong and I) trips to everywhere in Osaka. But the notion of looking at those pictures with us smiling happily in the photos just causes me to experience severe pang of pain in the heart. I don't want my tears to come rolling down again. So I guess I would have to apologize to you people who read my blog and go for my picture-loaded posts. I have to postphone these Yoong-and-my-trip-associated topics. They are just too dreadful and depressing to write. Bear with me.

8. I'm getting so lazy in cooking real food nowadays. When I say real food, I mean dishes that requires the effort of mix and matching sauces of my own and not using pre-packaged ones. Its like, what's the point? I'm cooking for one person, thus, there's no need to cook scrumptious food, right? And what's more, I'm only cooking on Sundays, which the amount of food that I cook could last me for 4 days straight. Therefore, tons of pre-packaged sauces sitting in my cabinet, waiting for their owner to come to her senses before starting to realize that what she's currently consuming could increase her risk of high blood pressure, kidney problem and other serious problems.

Alright, I think that's enough. Phew... As I had said, lengthy wordy post. Didn't disappoint you, did I? Just wanna say one more thing. I love you guys. Honestly and truely. Thanks for stopping by today. And every other day. I sincerely appreciate that. Sorry that I'd been a jerk for the past few days totally abandoning my blog just like that.