1st Of All I Would Like To Apologize

for my disappearance for the past few days.

It has been a crazy week for me with constant travelling and shocking events just kept popping up. Its like riding a roller coaster with tons of mixed emotions.

My life = full of excitement + worrisome events.

Well, I wanted so much to write what is it, but due to loads of circumstances, I have to remain silence and make sure everything is well hidden. Well, not exactly needed to be hidden, just that certain things are meant to be in the dark, no matter how much I'm going to burst.

Anyway, I do hope that everybody has a great day.

I will make sure that next time I will update more often once everything is settled. But in the mean time, KL and JB surely is filled with activities that I'm starting to neglect the virtual world. But rest assure my comrades, I will be back!!!