Rabbis and Kashrut orgs - time (and opportunity) to act

On the heels of our recent post (here) exposing the AJN's use of  fraudulent terms like "Kosher-friendly" and "Kosher-style" comes their report about a government review into Kosher labeling.

Hopefully, the COAG will also look into the role of media outlets in deceiving the public by using false labels. Though to be honest we feel that the general media would desist from using such tags if informed of its bogus and sham intentions. Sadly the AJN's standards of honesty are usually far lower than that.

We cannot understand why (at least according to the AJN article) the rabbis and Kashrut groups are being so pareve and wishy-washy about this. Shouldn't they be grabbing the opportunity that the government is offering them?

If they lack the sense of duty, then it is time for the COSV or individual laymen to get involved.