Marc always wears a Tallit on Shabbat - even as he marries out

Lest anyone accuse American Reform clergy of sloppiness in the preservation of Judaism – here’s clear evidence that even when the bride is not Jewish and even when sharing the spectacle with a Galach - the "rabbi" is adamant that the groom wear a Tallit.

Other photographs indicate that while this "rabbi" himself also had a Tallit, his collaborator the Methodist minister did not. Shame that.

And nice to see that Marc sports a nice “Charedi-style” yarmulka. No kippa serugah for him.

Some of the comments on the Forward blog:

Bill Pearlman • Get married by a rabbi or get married by a minister. Make a decision. Trying to split the difference is bull****. This is what's wrong with judaism and also america today.

Anonimoose1 • I hope I'm wrong, but I give this union less than two years.

Guest • "A Reform rabbi, Ponet received ordinationin 1973 from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. The Clinton-Mezvinsky nuptials took place about two hours before the end of Shabbat."
What terrific respect for yiddishkeit!

DickMarks • Mazal Tov to the Conservative Marc Mezvinsky, married two hours before the end of Shabbat. Maybe it took marriage to convert him to Reform Judaism.

Feel free to let this "Rabbi" of Jewish desecration know what you think.

Rob • is this a Rabbi? Ha Ha Ha! What a joke! a clown has more respect for the sabbot! god is the one who made the laws in his image not man! no one can change it!

Rob • What will they call there kids? 50% jewish when they are NOT! will she light shabbos candles now? or will he light the chanukah manorah? if they have a boy ,will this so called Rabbi be a the babys Bris?

Eli • This is a sad day for the Jewish community, despite this Reform "rabbi"'s officiation at the Clinton-Mezvinsky wedding. From a Jewish perspective of course there can be no such thing as a wedding with a gentile woman. She is considered his concubine, and he is still a single man. The sad thing, however, that they will have non-Jewish children even by Reform standards, since she didn't convert. So we have just lost an innumerable number of future Jews. The consolation of Hilary Clinton singing "Next year in rebuilt Jerusalem" while shoving her high-heel down Bibi Netanyahu's throat is all too ridiculous to contemplate. Shame on Mr Ponet for being giving legitimacy to this. Reminds me of a joke about a reform rabbi saying kaddish for a dog when offered a large donation to the temple.

Aaron • Can just imagine the conversation at the Mezvinsky household! "Mom, I'm marrying a shiksa"...."Oy vey, what are you doing to me!"..."Mom, she's the daughter of the Secretary of State, and the former Prez"...."Oh, so she's a nice Jewish girl!!!!! Mazel Tov my yiddishe son!"

dmmd • It is a sad day when Jews lose a person whose family survived about 4000 years. The American Holocaust marches on, and on with the help of Reform "Rabbis".

INSENSED • Doesn't this reform rabbi know that a ketuba is a marriage contract and you can't make a contract on Shabbat?
Why did the chatan wear a tallis at the ceremony? Sheva Brochos at an intermarriage. This whole ceremony seems like a joke.