Lucky is...
1. Upon reaching your house doorstep, the sky only starts to pour heavily.
2. Finding your favourite chewing gum in the supermarket when you just complained to your friend that your favourite chewing gum is not in stock an hour ago.
3. Buying food that you need which are reduced half in price.
4. To find an extra $10 in your purse when you thought you are broke.
5. Being here in Japan and get to use the airconditioning 24/7 without needing to pay electric bills.
6. Being able to own MAC's Stereo Rose and Petticoat which are sold out elsewhere.
7. Getting to eat free $10 worth of dinner every night on weekdays.
8. Owning a dozen of makeups constituted from different brands.
9. Having a loving family, a loving boyfriend and a loving God.
10. Being alive.
All of the above are applicable to me in one day ^__^ and hopefully for the rest of my life :D