Oh, I must say, this party is much better than the previous one, especially with all the good food and Christmasy environment, I'd enjoyed this one much more (and the plus factor is that boyfriend attended it with me).
The bits of lobster, although was a bit on the chewy side, complimented the soft texture of the salmon. The salmon was well done, although I would have prefered it to be a bit undercooked. The vegetables were quite decent, just your normal veg with a sprinkle of salt and pepper.
At last, here comes the dessert. This was Traditional Pudding with sauce (which I can't quite remember). Am not a big fan of pudding, so after a mouthful, I stopped. And luckily this was boyfriend's portion. He didn't finish this either, so which meant... awful. Or was it maybe we were too full!!??
And this was mine, Charlotte with Chocolate and Vinegar. The blackish chocolate cup contains vinegar, not chocolate sauce, a super huge let down, and I would have much prefer it to be some sweet sauce to go with the cake-like thingy.
The one that I'd enjoyed most, cream -__-''' Seriously, how bad can a dessert get?
I don't fancy this. OK, I don't like it at all. It has this weird taste that doesn't fall into the category of the 4 taste: sweet, sour, spicy, bitter. Its just purely like eating a piece of creamy paper. So, after 2 mouthfuls, I gave up on trying to give it several 2nd chances. I love dessert or other sweet things, so, please lah, don't mess up my night by ending the course with this kinda "junk". Sigh...
Anyway, this post is just the food version. As there are so many pictures to post, I divided it into 2 parts. Because I'm running out of writing ideas and need to prolong the longetivity of my blog thus the sectioning of event posts -__-'''
Oh yeah, I just went Christmas shopping for myself -__-''' and spend so much yesterday that I don't have the courage to face my bank account statement. Argh, help!!