As expected, things are not moving as quickly as I might have liked for the
Decade List's proceedings... so with a heavy heart, I'm pushing the due date back to either the 24th or 26th of December to allow more time to get some writing in. A couple of last minute deadlines hit me that directly interfered with getting everything generally wrapped up by the 20th, but believe me, it will be completed! There is, sadly, a chance that once the list comes out (I'm thinking of ranking 100, just 'cos people pay more attention when there are numbers attributed). And, yes, it was probably a mistake to save some of the high-rankers for last, as I wanted to evoke some element of surprise but also include a longer piece on each. Whoops. Expect some smaller entries, whose word count isn't necessarily indicative of their lack of importance as much as my shortage of time. Wish me luck as I barrel toward the conclusion of this long process and take my advice in appreciating the beauty of lowering one's own personal expectations.