Well, all these items were from last Christmas, so since I'd spent quite a fortune on them, its relevant that I should take them out again so that they could bask in their most glorified way by standing/sitting/hanging in the middle of the hall way.
Nah, so these are the 3 must-have items for our house every Christmas.
This year, I'm half-heartedly looking forward to the 25th. Maybe because of the economic crisis and the bad luck that I'm facing this whole year??? Of course, I'm trying to re-arrange my turbulent emotions (-__-''') because honestly, I'm losing faith in having a good year for the near future(you really can't imagine how bad it was for me and Yoong for the year 2009).
No words of consolence or cheering-up could lit the optimism light in me, that's for sure.
What I do wish for, however, is that a miracle could happen and everything would turn out to be good.