Disney released recently the first pictures and trailer from Andrew Stanton's "John Carter of Mars" movie and it looks not that bad. Many great artists illustrated John Carter of Mars since the first release of Edgar Rice Burroughs novel, for instance Frank E. Schoonover with this original 1917 book publication cover below...
But if you were born in the 1960's, John Carter of Mars probably remember you more the great paintings of heroic fantasy master painter Frank Frazetta, like these below and on the top.
Frazetta unique style is recognizable instantly, only him put this kind of incredible "sexual animality" in the characters. For a whole generation, John Carter of Mars was synonymous of the Frazetta illustrations. And that's all the point: will Andrew Stanton characters will be as "hot" as Frazetta paintings? I wouldn't bet on that but i'm curious to see how far Disney has authorised him to go in the movie. It's supposed to be a summer blockbuster movie for all ages so i doubt that we will find this sexual animality in it.
We had a glimpse of that in the trailer and, so far, as you can see on the screen capture above, we can't say that Princess Dejah Thoris costume is as "sexy" as Frank Frazetta painted her. Not bad, but they can do better!
Pictures: copyright Frank Frazetta and Disney