Seperti kita ketahui Penyebaran Islam keseluruh dunia disebarkan oleh para sahabat Nabi Bukan dengan peperangan tetapi dengan Akhlak yang baik maupun tranformasi Budaya, Dengan berdakwah sambil berdagang bukanya berdagang sambil Berdakwah, seperti yang ditulis dalam buku sejarah ketika kita ditingkat sekolah dasar, karena tujuan utama adalah berdakwah dan berdagang adalah sambilan, supaya para sahabat nabi tidak tergantung kepada makhluk untuk menopang kepentingan dakwah.
Tibalah para Sahabat di negri china berdakwah sambil berdagang, mereka Cepat diterima karena kejujuran mereka dalam berdagang. Jika mereka berdagang maka mereka lebihkan tanpa mereka mengurangi takaran dan timbangannya. Pernah ada seorang Pribumi cina yang membeli kain sepanjang 5 Meter maka sahabat Memberikaan lebih sepanjang 1 Meter, sesampainya dirumah dia mengukur panjang Kainnya lebih satu meter dari yang ia pesan.
Sahabat yang berdagang beraspun sama, dia tidak mencampur beras yang kualitasnya bagus dengan yang kualitas rendah (Bukan Oplosan) Sehingga Kejujuran sahabat pun tersebar ke seluruh cina. Jika ada barang yang rusak mereka dengan senang hati menerima kembali dan segera ditukar dengan barang yang baru. Zaman sekarang perdagangan telah mengikuti cara Yahudi dan Kafir maka di struk pembayaran tertulis “ Barang yang sudah dibeli tidak bisa dikembalikan”.
Kejujuran dan Akhlak yang baik telah mengundang beberapa orang china untuk memperhatikan para sahabat berdagang, Pribumi China Melihat kebiasaan para pedagang Islam selalu pulang ketika siang hari dan Pertengahan sore Hari (Jam 12 Waktu sholat Dzuhur dan jam 15 Untuk sholat Azhar) untuk menunaikan salat. Sehingga Banyak mengundang pertanyaan Orang2 Pribumi cina. Maka diutuslah salah satu diantara mereka untuk menyelidikinya.
Gerak gerik para pedagang Arab, Yang dilihatnya mereka para Pedagang Islam mempunyai Gerakan Kungfu sama seperti Taichi Master, padahal Para sahabat sedang menunaikan shalat Dzuhur, Maka utusan cina itu kembali ke kumpulan sambil Berkata. “ Haayaa….! Orang Islam itu sembunyi sembunyi, Meleka telnyata punya gelakan kungfu sama sepelti Kita “
Maka gemparlah seantero China karena mereka menganggap yang mempunyai Kungfu hanyalah orang-orang China, dalam dunia per-Kungfu-an mereka tidak boleh mengajarkan kepada orang asing.
Karena Orang China hobinya mengintip terlihat dari fisik matanya yang sipit, lama kelamaan mereka semakin penasaran dan akhirnya mereka memutuskan untuk menanyakan langsung, Pribumi Cina berkata “ hai olang pedagang islam, telnyata kamu punya kungfu, kamu diam diam aja.” Pedagang terlihat kebingungan menjawab pertanyaan itu.
Pribumi China berkata Lagi " haayaa……….. boleh saya belajar kepadamu, soalnya Kungfu yang engkau praktekan, belum pernah kami lihat Sebelumnya. " Sahabat Nabi mengiyakan permintaan permintaan pribumi China tersebut.
“ Datanglah ketika jam 12 dan Jam 3 sore aku akan mengajarkanya” Pedagang Islam terkenal jujur maka merekapun segera mempercayainya. Merekapun datang ke mesjid, sahabat memerintahkan mereka berdiri dibelakang dan mengikuti gerakan gerakan para sahabat.
Dasar orang China Hobinya ngintip ketika Para sahabat sedang Shalat dan diikuti gerakannya oleh orang Pribumi China melihat mulut sahabat Komat kamit. Setelah selesai Sembahyang Pribumi Cina Berkata “ Haaayaaa Kamu sembunyikan sesuatu, kamu punya mantela dan ajian, Owe minta diajalin juga. Owe yakin kalau pake ajian Kungfunya lebih dahsyat “
Sahabatpun Tersenyum “baiklah aku akan ajarkan Ajian, tersebut tetapi ada Password yang harus kalian ucapkan,” Pedagang Pribumi China bertanya "apa tuh Passwordnya?"
Ucapkanlah, “Asyhadu allaa ilaaha illallah wa asyhadu anna muhammaddar rosuulullaah” Setelah pribumi China mengucapkan kalimat Syahadat itu maka Sahabat mulai mengajarkan bacaan Al Qur’an dalam shalat” yang disangka oleh Pribumi china adalah Ajian dalam Kungfu.
Lama kelamaan tersiarlah Kungfu jenis baru itu di dataran cina, sahabat nabipun secara perlahan mulai mengajarkan Aqidah kepada mereka. Sehingga dengan akhlak para sahabat dan Transformasi budaya melalui jalan Kungfu, islam bisa menyebar dengan Cepat….
Haaaaayaaaaaaaaa……………… Owe Sudah masuk islam sekalang………
Media release from Rabbi Yosef Feldman
Hat tip - SBA list
Following on the AJN's shameful front page report last week - we have just received the following:
Media release from Rabbi Yosef Feldman
On 27 July 2011 and on 29 July 2011, a series of false and defamatory allegations were published by the Australian Jewish News concerning Rabbi Yosef Feldman .
The article, published under the byline of the AJN’s senior Sydney journalist, Joshua Levi, imputed that Rabbi Feldman was in favour of covering up acts of paedophilia by not reporting those acts to the police.
Those statements in the Australian Jewish News were false and are highly damaging to the Rabbi's high reputation. The Rabbi is presently considering the commencement of legal proceedings against the Australian Jewish News, its editor Zeddy Lawrence and Joshua Levi for defamation.
Rabbi Yosef Feldman has, at all times, publicly endorsed the unanimous view of the Rabbinical Council of New South Wales under his Presidency - that all acts of abuse must be reported to the police.
It would appear that the AJN obtained, by means unknown, an internal email exchange among Rabbis in which there was academic discussion of a range of views held by international scholars on how to deal with situations not subject to mandatory reporting. The AJN took extracts from that exchange and constructed a story and an editorial which attributed to the Rabbi views and opinions which he simply does not hold.
The Rabbi does not wish to speculate upon the AJN's motivation in publishing such a scandalously false piece of journalism. His only concern is to repair the damage done to his good name.
The true position is that Rabbi Feldman, like all other right thinking Australian citizens, believes that acts of paedophilia should and must be reported to the police for investigation and, if warranted, prosecution. It is not, and has never been, his view that criminal conduct of this kind should be covered up. The Rabbi's stance is that suspected paedophiles must face the Australian legal system.
There is no suggestion that any abuse has occurred in any Jewish establishment in New South Wales. However, the unanimous view of Rabbi Feldman and the Rabbinical Council of New South Wales is that suspected paedophiles must, if discovered, be reported to the police.
Following on the AJN's shameful front page report last week - we have just received the following:
Media release from Rabbi Yosef Feldman
On 27 July 2011 and on 29 July 2011, a series of false and defamatory allegations were published by the Australian Jewish News concerning Rabbi Yosef Feldman .
The article, published under the byline of the AJN’s senior Sydney journalist, Joshua Levi, imputed that Rabbi Feldman was in favour of covering up acts of paedophilia by not reporting those acts to the police.
Those statements in the Australian Jewish News were false and are highly damaging to the Rabbi's high reputation. The Rabbi is presently considering the commencement of legal proceedings against the Australian Jewish News, its editor Zeddy Lawrence and Joshua Levi for defamation.
Rabbi Yosef Feldman has, at all times, publicly endorsed the unanimous view of the Rabbinical Council of New South Wales under his Presidency - that all acts of abuse must be reported to the police.
It would appear that the AJN obtained, by means unknown, an internal email exchange among Rabbis in which there was academic discussion of a range of views held by international scholars on how to deal with situations not subject to mandatory reporting. The AJN took extracts from that exchange and constructed a story and an editorial which attributed to the Rabbi views and opinions which he simply does not hold.
The Rabbi does not wish to speculate upon the AJN's motivation in publishing such a scandalously false piece of journalism. His only concern is to repair the damage done to his good name.
The true position is that Rabbi Feldman, like all other right thinking Australian citizens, believes that acts of paedophilia should and must be reported to the police for investigation and, if warranted, prosecution. It is not, and has never been, his view that criminal conduct of this kind should be covered up. The Rabbi's stance is that suspected paedophiles must face the Australian legal system.
There is no suggestion that any abuse has occurred in any Jewish establishment in New South Wales. However, the unanimous view of Rabbi Feldman and the Rabbinical Council of New South Wales is that suspected paedophiles must, if discovered, be reported to the police.
The John Carter of Mars you (probably) won't see next year in Andrew Stanton movie
Disney released recently the first pictures and trailer from Andrew Stanton's "John Carter of Mars" movie and it looks not that bad. Many great artists illustrated John Carter of Mars since the first release of Edgar Rice Burroughs novel, for instance Frank E. Schoonover with this original 1917 book publication cover below...
But if you were born in the 1960's, John Carter of Mars probably remember you more the great paintings of heroic fantasy master painter Frank Frazetta, like these below and on the top.
Frazetta unique style is recognizable instantly, only him put this kind of incredible "sexual animality" in the characters. For a whole generation, John Carter of Mars was synonymous of the Frazetta illustrations. And that's all the point: will Andrew Stanton characters will be as "hot" as Frazetta paintings? I wouldn't bet on that but i'm curious to see how far Disney has authorised him to go in the movie. It's supposed to be a summer blockbuster movie for all ages so i doubt that we will find this sexual animality in it.
We had a glimpse of that in the trailer and, so far, as you can see on the screen capture above, we can't say that Princess Dejah Thoris costume is as "sexy" as Frank Frazetta painted her. Not bad, but they can do better!
Pictures: copyright Frank Frazetta and Disney
Shanghaî Disneyland Construction Update by Stefan Zwanzger, The Theme Park Guy
Stefan Zwanzger, aka The Theme Park Guy is back from his last trip in Asia and he's back with the latest pictures showing the works at Shanghaî Disneyland site!
Don't expect to see the Shanghaî Disneyland castle, you won't see it bafore at least 2014 but according to Stefan "There is visible progress on the Shanghai Disneyland site: the huge moat that will encircle the Disney resort is being excavated, the three or four entry gates to the construction site are now equipped with barriers and security, and the site office has employees coming and going. And in the background, it's all digging and digging".
Above, one picture of the huge moat excavation and at the top a picture of the Shanghaî Shendi Group poster at the entrance of the site. There is dozens more pictures on Stefan's site so the best i can say is to jump to The Theme Park Guy web site right now! It's right HERE.
Pictures: copyright The Theme Park Guy
"Charles old boy is that Camilla's bycycle you're about to ride?"

Britain's Prince Charles rides an electric bicycle during the Start Garden Exhibition and Pop-Up Restaurant at Clarence House in central London, England on July 27, 2011 (Reuters/Ben Stansall/Pool)
I Love Sports - Justin Timberlake
Watching sexy Justin (El Justo) going through all these travails is a real funny pleasure; then watch the video a second time and imagine it is not Justin, but Anderson (El Andersono) and you'll have an idea of what reality would be for Anderson if he played sports...! (We saw some of it when he interviewed David Beckham playing soccer for 60 Minutes, didn't we? And I'm sure they left out the part when Anderson gets his balls hit by the ball!)
(06:10 min.)
From: CapitalOne
Added: Jul 7, 2011
Description: Justin Timberlake tries his hand at a variety of college sports, leading up to his presentation of the Capital One Cup trophy at the ESPYs. Hilarious.
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - a primer for the RCMP!

By Douglas Quan, Postmedia News
July 30, 2011
A British Columbia judge has tossed out all evidence seized in a massive Richmond based ecstasy-production investigation after finding that RCMP officers "ignored" the Charter rights of five suspects to such a degree that "one might have thought that the investigation took place before the Charter of Rights had been enacted."
In a 34-page ruling, the judge took officers to task for hosing down two half-naked suspects outside their home in the cold, failing to bring in interpreters to read suspects their rights, failing to allow suspects to read warrants and not filing court documents in a timely manner.
"The officers in charge just did not seem to care," B.C. Provincial Court Judge Paul R. Meyers wrote.
"I find that the cumulative violations in this case lead to the conclusion that the officers in charge of this investigation operated throughout in 'bad faith.'"
The scathing judgment, dated June 21 and posted online this week, came after more than two dozen hearings carried out over two years.
A spokeswoman for the Public Prosecution Service of Canada, which handles drug-related cases, said the decision will not be appealed.
Over 14 months, RCMP drug investigators had multiple locations in Richmond under surveillance.
Police learned that ecstasy tablets were being produced, packed into foil bags marked "Chinese tea" and then shipped to Toronto and elsewhere - an operation that a police expert later testified was capable of producing $10-million worth of pills.
In January 2007, police watched as two men discarded two large plastic garbage bags into a dumpster. Believing the suspects had clued in that police were watching them and were now dismantling their production plant, officers decided to move in and arrest the suspects.
The missteps by police, according to the judge, began immediately.
Even though police had a "pretty good idea" that some of the suspects had limited English skills, police "basically just closed their eyes to this real, potential problem" and did nothing in advance to plan for it, such as having warrants translated into Chinese or bringing in Chinese interpreters, the judge said.
In at least one instance, a suspect answered "no" when asked by the arresting officer whether he understood his rights after they were read to him.
At one home, two occupants were forced to lie handcuffed on the front lawn on their stomachs: One was wearing only boxers, the other was wearing boxers and a T-shirt.
Because police believed the men had been exposed to toxic chemicals, they called in a fire crew to decontaminate the men by spraying their bodies with cold water.
"It is not an insignificant thing to force someone to stand or sit, halfnaked, while being hosed down in front of their neighbours, in the middle of the day and in the middle of winter," the judge said.
"This humiliation so easily could have been avoided" if police brought in portable privacy screens.
4DX Theatre Review, First one in the U.S opening late August
Sometime you have the luck to be at the right time at the right place and so was I to experiment one of these new 4DX theatres. The first ones, if i'm not wrong, opened in South Korea and recently a new one opened at the magnificent Siam Paragon Cineflex theatres in Bangkok. The first one to open in the U.S will be in Los Angeles and is scheduled to open late August.
So, what are these 4DX theatres? Well, if you're not tired yet by 3D movies the 4DX theatres is the next step, full of in-theatre effects, and the goal of course is to take more bucks out of your pocket. 3D screenings are already more expensive than normal ones but at least in 4D theatres you will have plenty of special effects in addition to the 3D glasses...Basically, 4DX theatres are a mix of Star Tours simulation technology with Honey I Schrunk the Audience special effects. Said like this it sounds not that bad and even interesting, but wait for what's coming next.
The main reason why i was curious to experiment 4DX was not to "live" the effects - i did this several times in many theme parks - but to see how they succeeded to adapt this kind of technology/effects to a normal movie - i mean, a movie which has not been filmed specially thinking to the in-theatre effects. Because that's the main difference between 4DX theatres and theme parks attractions using the same technologies, here you will experience a screening of a normal movie, not "designed" for a specific ride.
In Bangkok Siam Paragon the movie who did the 4DX theatre opening was Transformers 3. There is enough action in it for the 4DX effects and that's probably the reason why they choose it. When you enter the theatre there is more or less 200 seats seats all by four together, and each four seats are based on a simulation platform. The special effects that you will experience during the screening are wind, smoke, water projection, and more.
What did I think about it? Well, when the film began i thought it was great. If you saw Transformers 3 you know that the opening sequence is on the moon, back in the 1960's. The camera is moving slowly up and down and the 4DX simulation system reproduce these movements, smoothly and gently, just like if your seat was on the same crane that was used for the camera. So, i thought that this was pretty cool and a real bonus in comparison to a normal screening. Then, wind effects arrived - depending of the movie sequence, of course - rain effect, too - don't worry, you won't be wet and there is no 10 minutes long water projection effect - and even smoke effects.
A little bit later Transformers 3 action sequences began, and so 4DX enjoyment problem too. Everything was working fine technically speaking but the only way they've found to reproduce the massive-explosive-speedy-action-scenes of Transformers 3 is to use the simulation platform to shake your seat, and sometime "in all directions". When there is an explosion scene skaking the seats is understandable - and God knows there is a lot of explosion scenes in Transformers 3 - but when it's another kind of action scene, a wild chase for instance, the simulation system find its limits and obviously they can't do anything else than shake the seats in a way that become quickly not fun at all.
I suppose that the guys behind these 4DX theatres think that modern audiences always want more sensations, but it's a pity they don't use the system in a more subtle way like they did at the beginning of the movie where everything was fine and enjoyable.
So, my advice is this one: if you live in a place where a 4DX theatre already exist or is going to open, go and try it. I'm not sure you will go back each time they will play a new movie, but it's interesting to try the system at least one time. Let's just hope that their future selections will be more subtle than Transformers 3 something which should not be very difficult to achieve!
Picture at the top: Ad for the Siam Paragon 4DX theatre.
Art By Fausto Fernós
Fausto Fernós
I mounted Fausto's art on a 1440 x 900 field of colorful flowers to make it a wallpaper for my computer -- you can too, if you have a 1440 x 900 screen monitor. Thanks cute Fausto.
Accountable to whom?
Good Day Readers:
After reading the following article we decided to quickly check the websites of our Member of Parliament, Member of Legislative Assembly and the Mayor of Winnipeg. Guess what? None contained any detailed financial information about their office expenses or if they did it was well-hidden.
Harvard trained Naheed Nenshi is the first Muslim mayor in North America.
Clare L. Pieuk
Mayor Nenshi posts expenses on website
Calgary Herald
July 5, 2011
Eight months after he was elected, Mayor Naheed Nenshi has finally fulfilled a campaign promise to post his office expenses on his website.
Between January. 1 and the end of May, the Mayor's office spent $563,511, leaving it under budget for the time period.
The vast majority in these expenses were for staff salaries and wages.
His office spent $13,625 on travel involving six trips, including airfare, hotels and food. Four of those trips involved Nenshi; some also include his chief of staff and expenses cover two aldermen.
"I believe in transparency," Nenshi said.
"I think people should be able to see this at an appropriate level of detail. It was just a matter of getting the level of detail right."
After reading the following article we decided to quickly check the websites of our Member of Parliament, Member of Legislative Assembly and the Mayor of Winnipeg. Guess what? None contained any detailed financial information about their office expenses or if they did it was well-hidden.
Harvard trained Naheed Nenshi is the first Muslim mayor in North America.
Clare L. Pieuk

Calgary Herald
July 5, 2011
Eight months after he was elected, Mayor Naheed Nenshi has finally fulfilled a campaign promise to post his office expenses on his website.
Between January. 1 and the end of May, the Mayor's office spent $563,511, leaving it under budget for the time period.
The vast majority in these expenses were for staff salaries and wages.
His office spent $13,625 on travel involving six trips, including airfare, hotels and food. Four of those trips involved Nenshi; some also include his chief of staff and expenses cover two aldermen.
"I believe in transparency," Nenshi said.
"I think people should be able to see this at an appropriate level of detail. It was just a matter of getting the level of detail right."
Acrilic by Liz Scott
Comment by Liz on Flickr:
Oh Anderson Cooper...
One the few anchors I watch regularly through podcasts, and found his book extremely interesting.
'Life In A Day'
Added On July 31, 2011
The online movie "Life in a Day" opens in theaters, showing a single day on Earth. CNN's Josh Levs reports.
Celebrating Large - Celebrando Grandi
Added On July 31, 2011
CNN's Nadia Bilchik looks at Italian prisoners ditching designer duds, plus beauty competetions for larger women.
Name That Picture
"You wouldn't dare strike this handsome face, would you?"
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