A delicious drink to accompany any meal why waste it cooking?

Dear Sirs:

I would be glad to introduce you the Extra Virgin Olive Oil Terre Rosse, my own company’s product.

Our olive groves, a typical Umbrian monocultivar, are grown all over the hills spreading from Assisi towards Spello for about 50 hectares.

Walking through the olive trees you will breath our history, enjoy the colors of our amazing landscape and the perfume of our land: from the Acquedotto Romano (the Roman acqueduct) to the Castle in Collepino up to the Monastery in Vallegloria Vecchio, reported in a document issued by the Pope in 1178. These are the same colors and landscapes which inspired the masterpieces of the Pinturicchio and Benozzo Gozzoli; many small animals shelter in the olive groves among the various herbs and plants, with their colors and perfumes.

Every day we do our best to keep the magic all over our groves, keeping everything as it was in the past through the methods of the biodynamic cultivation, an old technique, then turned out to be highly modern which transforms all kinds of growing into very productive and dynamic environment where every living being, every single herb helps better the soil, the plants and those living there.

We enrich and fertilize our soil with bovine manure taken from stables certifying the animal welfare of their cattles. The soil which is not possible to fertilize in this way is treated differently: we grow there vetches and biological barley which, after having been cut, are then filled up. Following the same philosophy we defend all our plants from any attack of pathogen agents growing hedges of brooms and shrubs and acacia.

Our plants enjoy all our efforts and give us back olives full of unique organoleptic peculiarities, a very high level of polyphenols and tocopherol (vitamin E).

We collect them totally green, at the beginning of October to obtain an oil which is incomparable for its level of acidity, color and smell, able to give our food an unequalled taste as well as able to strength our immune system.
All our product’s qualities are certified as follows: Dop – Colli Assisi – Spoleto, Agribiodinamica, Kosher-P, Nop Usda, in biological conversion since September 2008 under the strict control of the IMC.

For any further information please visit our web site
http://www.hispellum.com/ or follow us on:

- Facebook
- Vinix
- Youtube

Best regards,
Azienda Agraria Hispellum
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Egregio Signor Ciampelli:

Buon giorno, come sta?

After reading your beautifully descriptive e-mail, as well as, looking at the pictures and packaging it was all we could do not to hop a plane for Italy, that or get out a wine glass and rush to buy a bottle of your finest Terre Rosse.

We've shown your e-mail address should any of our Readers wish to contact you directly with their questions or comments. In the meantime, we'll be sure to tell our barber Vincenzo about your product to make sure he and his extended family are using it.

If you wish to supply us with a listing of where Terre Rosa is available in Manitoba, and Canada for that matter, we'll publish it.

Mario Ciampelli

Clare L. Pieuk