Thank you John Howard

Further to the earlier post by Chabadnik where he writes: "Victorian, and indeed Australian, Jewry is most fortunate to be in a situation where all leaders of the major parties are friends of ours and supportive of Israel", here is a link to the J-Wire site showing a recent clip of former prime minister John Howard forcefully responding to a loaded question about Israel put to him by an Iranian journalist at the dinner of the Foreign Correspondents' Association.

We can do no more than add to Chabadnik’s words that Baruch Hashem we live in a country where the people that count are our good friends.

Here are a photographs of the last 2 prime ministers with their favourite rabbi, Rabbi Pinchos Feldman of Sydney.

Talking about Aussie prime ministers, we reproduce a photograph - which just landed on our desk - of the welcome sign in Kuala Lumpur for our current leader Julia Gillard who was attending the East Asia summit.

(Nothing at all to do with AJN Watch's usual topic list, but as we haven't noticed it anywhere else, we can't resist the possibilty of scooping the entire Australian media...)