My Obsession/Crush/Addiction, or Whatever You Call It

Image Source: Google Images

Can I absolutely not scream!!! AAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!

This is the face that is absolutely haunting me in my dreams and in reality for the past couple of days, ever since I 1st picked up my copy of Twilight series book (Late, I know!!) and becoming totally mesmerized by this character, Edward Cullen.

I am not even too sure whether is Robert Pattinson (played Edward Cullen)'s outerwordly face or is that the fictional vampire Edward Cullen that caught my breath. Both of them seem so perfect and flawless in every other way. I definitely wouldn't mind that my boyfriend being overprotective and overloving of me such like Edward does to Bella.

I'm so totally suck into this idiocy of gushing over some gorgeous looking non-human character which doesn't even exist.

Don't even ask how obssessed I am.. I might buy live-size posters of this "Adonis" (as Bella called him) and stick THEM (notice the plurality) in my room. But I doubt I landlady would be please to find scotch tape marks on the wall. -__-'''


P/s: Robert Pattinson plays Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter - The Goblet of Fire. I was like What The Fuck!!!