Jerry Lee's-Tips -Tips to boosting your Metabolism

So I came across an infomercial and I thought to myself I think I've heard this stuff before.  Instead of buying a $200 eating plan.  Instead I asked my brother Fitness Guru Jerry Lee Gilmore:!/pages/Jerry-Lee-Gilmore/166495120047182

My brother basically said the guy on the commercial just re-mixed the words but presenting the same strategy to naturally boost your metabolism.

Here's the Skinny-
  • If your blood sugar spikes your body goes into fat storing mode. 
  • your blood sugar spikes when you don't eat or eat too much processed foods
  • Processed foods are Simple carbs- which means it processes quickly in your bloodstream, stores the sugar and fat then shortly after you are hungry again.
  • So to prevent your blood sugar from spiking it's best to snack on complex carbs
  • complex carbs means your body takes a while to digest it and break it down therefore your sugar doesn't spike.
  • This is why you've heard eat 5 times a day SMALLER PORTION sizes . 
  • Since your eating throughout the day small portions you won't have that urge to WOOF down a Super Sized Value Meal, it takes 20-30 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain your eating soooooooooo if your eating Fast Food, you eat it fast, chew fast and woof down about 4,000 calories.
  • Chew slow, savor it it stalls time so your brain gets the message
  • drink water through out the day, a tip if your really hungry drink some water then eat it'll slow you down from WOOFing your food. 
  • Pack your meals for the next day so they are handy 

  • It should be Breakfast with Protein, Simple Carb and Complex Carb
  • Snack on a Complex Carb
  • Lunch  with Protein and  Complex Carb
  • Snack on a Complex Carb
  • Dinner  with Protein and  Complex Carb
  • Snack on a Complex Carb- if you have to

mix this with light excersize and your body will begin to metabolize it's body fat and you should be loosing weight.

Keep a copy of a portion size list with you.  Which is why Americans are so obese. Plus we don't walk but drive everywhere.  I will post a list of Complex and Simple Carbs tommorrow.