Thank you to letter-writers

Orthodox communal identity Mr David Ainsworth is well known in Sydney for his unbending dedication and fealty to Torah and Mitzvot. He is also known as a person who does not to meekly bend to or tolerate violations of Halacha. He shows this by fearlessly protesting and objecting to communal infringements of Halacha. AJN Watch has been sent a reply he recent addressed to Albert Dadon's invitation to a gala luncheon for the Australia-Israel Leadership Forum where treif food is on the menu.
If more members of the community, especially rabbis and lay-leaders, would emulate Mr Ainsworth’s uncompromising attitude, the standards of Yiddishkeit in this country would increase dramatically.

And here is a letter to the AJN editor, which reiterates our long-standing criticism of the AJN’s resident page-2 smut-peddler Adrian Kamien.

Maybe its time for more Rebbetzen’s should join the campaign to cleanse that newspaper of its filth.)

And another published letter reflecting our recent comments re AJN’s hypocritical Kashrut concerns.