Here! Films returns to the DVD market

Missing from the DVD market since March of this year, Here! Films, with the first Oscar under their belt and a newly restructured roster, will begin releasing DVDs in January of 2010 though a partnership with E1 Distribution (formally Koch). Their first release, naturally, will be Yojiro Takita's Departures, which won the Best Foreign Language Oscar this year, hitting shelves on 12 January. The heavily maligned teen comedy Tru Loved (you may remember what Roger Ebert had to say about this one) will be released on the same date. Two more titles, Paul Morrison's Little Ashes with Robert Pattinson as Salvador Dalí and Shamim Sarif's lesbian romantic comedy I Can't Think Straight (which is truly dreadful, by the way), will street on 26 January. With two more Foreign Language Oscar possibilities (Asghar Farhadi's About Elly from Iran and Xavier Dolan's I Killed My Mother [J'ai tué ma mère] from Canada), Lucía Puenzo's latest El niño pez and James Bolton's surprisingly good adaptation of Jim Grimsley's adaptation of Dream Boy on their upcoming roster, Here! Films looks to have a successful year in 2010.