This is what I'm currently feeling right now.
How I wish I could stop this insanity of chasing you, wanting to get closer to you, be with as you as much as possible, I just want to get rid of this f**king feeling. I know, I'm no match to what other gals have (looks, body, brain, emotions), therefore, the constant negligence from you. I wanted more, but I just didn't get any. I'm really tired of tagging your tail, clinging onto you while you never once look back and waited for me. If only there's just one time, when you treat me as a princess, your princess, I would certainly be by your side till death do us apart.
Being the cat, just like Tom, the eternity and forever chasing Jerry, is no fun at all, and most of all, it aint' funny but filled with sadness and anxiety.
I want to be "The One" for you, I want to be the one needed, I don't want to be just a guest in your heart as you had become the master of mine..