Anonymous has left a new comment on your post, "Douglas-King-Chapman!"
Good Morning Mr. Pieuk,
I'm looking forward to reading about the hearing (that portion you are allowed to report) and will be watching to see what transpires. Enjoy your day, I'm sure it will be enlightening!
Still seeking,
Dear VJH:
Nice to hear from you. It's been a while but we figured you had been busy down at the coffee shop lurking in the shadows ears pricked. Nevertheless, we had no doubt you've been following events closely at the Law Society of Manitoba and itching to jump into the discussion. Today for us was more than enlightening it was blinding especially after we had occasion to talk with Mr. Chapman and one of his associates who requested anonymity in private one-on-ones. Suffice it to say for now we expect to receive some "very interesting documentation" shortly.
At today's hearing we made about 5 1/2 pages worth of handwritten notes so as soon as we've organized and typed them we'll begin discussing in more detail our understanding of what transpired today.
Sincerely, Clare L. Pieuk