I was thinking about going to adjacent cities like Kobe, Nara but I don't think I'm brave enough to navigate those big ass cities myself and just a map (or maybe a compass). So I guess, I'll wait for Yoong to arrive before I begin my big adventure.
So here are some sightseeing pictures that I'd done with my dad. I don't wanna post up any pictures with myself in it because I look hideous with that big furry coat and without any makeup on.
So here goes:
The very confusing lines. And this is not even all of them where there are more subways and trains in different station. OMG!!! How transport-convenient can you get??
Bicycle is basically the main vehicle you can get here where almost every working white collars or obasans(aunties) ride on the pathway and you really have to becareful to look behind your shoulders.
This is where I'm working. Its call crystal tower and looks absolutely sophisticated and tall and high-tech looking. Haha, proud of my company. ^__^ (And by the way, I'm working on the 15th floor where I get a pretty good view of the city)
This is like the most advanced toilet bowl I'd ever encounter. See that wee remote control thingy on the side?? You can do wonders with that when you are having a big break such as:
1. Deodorizing your cubical
2. Fake flushing musical control (just the flushing sound without really any real flushing)
3. Water to spray your butt
4. Warm up your toilet bowl seats
5. Volume control for your fake flushing music
6. And etc (there are others which I'm not too free to experiment with)
Close up of Sakura. (I hope that this is the flower -__-''')
The entrance to the old Osaka castle.
The ancient structure near my office. And it looks absolutely magnificent.
Freaking huge slabs of rocks to build the walls surrounding the castle. Great skill of construction work they'd got there.
Apparently, you could drink from this.
One of the shrine.
Lucky us got to witness some traditional wedding held there.
Some sakura trees going on. Which is also the only spot where sakuras are still in full bloom.
Imagine working for at least 12 hours every single day. OMG!!! Where got time like that?? Unless I schedule post and write like 500 posts on the weekends.