And the best part is it only costs me £4.99
After so much work of transfering and stacking and puzzle solving and shifting and restacking and reshifting, finally, I'd been able to pack everything inside their respective places...
All my soaps, bubble bar, sugar scrub, bath ballistics from LUSH into the red Armani perfume box. And since they smell so wonderful, I decided to leave the box open and let their fragrance fill the whole room.
CLIS (Cindy's Life is Superb) {Alright, I'm confusing you guys with 2 CLIS-Cindy's Life is Shit}
Alright then,
CLIG (Cindy's Life is Great)
And lookie... my 3 whole drawers full of make up stuff. I'm such a proud mama for these beauty thingys. And of course, I won't stop just there. There will be more coming in and I don't think this drawer is enough to house them. Well, we'll see....
Chinese New Year and Valentines Day is around the conner. Have you bought all your new stuff/food/clothes/furniture yet??? Bought any presents yet?? Tell me Tell me..
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