Angels and Demons - Locations

If you are here for the story line or the spoiler, sorry to disappoint you, but this post is not about movie chronologies and stuff, is just that after watching this show, it mades me revisit the memory of touring rome. And I haven't got a clue what it is all about. I don't understand those complicated religious terms and the background behind it.

I did not watch the entire movie, minutes to minutes, scenes to scenes, as I watched it online and was skipping every boring parts, thus maybe the left out of some locations from the movie.

So here goes...
The totally famous St Peterburg (or is it?). Its in the Vatican city where the pope lives (remember, vatican city is a country itself). This scene is where thousands of people gather there to do-I-don't-know-what.
And this structure is inside basilica (ok, duomo, ok, cathedral -__-, i'm confusing myself here). Its being destroyed in the movie as the bomb goes off in the helicopter.

This is Piazza del Popolo. Its another scene shot. And this place is humongous.

I'm not kidding. I was delighted to see the movie with this scene shot. Very very familiar and made me reminisce the good old days touring in Rome.

This picture, I'd stole off the internet. I don't think I'd been there before. But this very famous fountain scene in the movie is where the bad guy tries to drown someone in it.

This is picture was taken when I was touring at a tourist attraction area and saw Tom Hanks and snap from afar with my super zoom lense -__-.
Just kidding. Stole off the internet again.
Interesting movie, if you've been to Rome.