Guest Post: The thoughts of a long-time AJN reader
We invite our readers to submit their posts and comments.
by Old-Timer
I thank the blogmasters for allowing me to join them as an irregular poster here and look forward to offering my thoughts about the standards of reporting in the AJN.
As my name divulges, I have been around for a long time and despite my general repulsion of much what I see in that newspaper, I am a news junkie and just cannot help myself reading it weekly. Belive me, it pains me that I am financially supporting the hand that so often strikes me and those close to me. A few good slaps back at them are long overdue. So thank you AJN Watch.
There is much to be said about the huge difference in AJN’s reporting (or more often non-reporting) of scandals and negative occurrences in the community. When these relate to religious Jews the AJN carries on mercilessly. However when rich and important figures who are not well known for their observance of our faith it may get a few lines, or in many cases not a single word.
Cast your memory back to about 7-8 years ago when a certain former president of a frum Shul was in the news, Who can forget the nasty and vicious coverage the AJN gave that story which at the same time guaranteed that every single Jew who ever had anything to do with that Shul community felt that he/she was being personally smeared by the relentless and disgusting articles – week after week.
It was around that time that a person of major note in the community, but with no claims to religiosity, was being featured in the general media with some truly ‘juicy’ personal scandal. There isn’t the slightest comparison of that personage to the humble ex-shul head. But did the AJN sensationalise the revelations of this person? Of course not. Not a single line in their paper.
Or take the case of another important and well-known communal figure who was charged and found guilty of offences involving hundreds of millions of dollars – lost by investors large and small. This story too, featured on the news and finance pages of every newspaper in the country…except the AJN. Not a SINGLE word. The charges against Rabbi Engel are a zilch compared to what this gentleman was found guilty of. But anyone reading our Jewish ‘newspaper of record’ would never had known. In that case, in addition to not being (at least knowin to be) part of the frum community, the other great advatagge for this individual wasl that the AJN was owned and run by close relatives. They obviously had no intention to add shame to the family. And that would be very understandable – had they had such feelings for the families of other members of the community who happen to have a relative in trouble. But the AJN has no such concerns at all for families of religious Jews and often hurts their families and even entire communities.
This type of ‘religious-anti-Semitism’ actually warrants a proper examination by some major media investigative source, eg, The Age or the TV program Media Watch. But until that happens I appreciative this new AJN Watch blog, which hopefully will – if not achieve in keeping the AJN bastards honest – at least expose their hypocrisy and double standards and their targeting of a certain powerless segment of Australian Jewry.
To help achieve this, visitors to this site should spread the word and the link – especially to any connections to the wider media.
Full Marks
Why can't it be the opposite??? T__T
Sometimes I really wanna ask why all things are going quite different from the way I plan it....
Anyway, when I say quite well in KFC actually meant doing really good in KFC...
Letters to the editor re "Charged" front page
Last week’s cover
IS there no other news to print on the front page of the newspaper (AJN 19/06)?Do we have to display so openly events that bring us nothing but shame and disgrace?A large number of our community, myself included, are greatly disgusted both with the Adelaide rabbi’s actions and with the current display of that ugly event on the first page of The AJN.Many of the Elsternwick newsagents – not exactly friends of ours – pointed out this page with their great pleasure to their customers.A smaller article inside the newspaper would have been more than sufficient.
Elsternwick, Vic
Not page one worthy
WHAT is your aim in showing us a full front page of newspaper devoted to a photograph of a disgraced rabbi (AJN 19/06)? How does this help us as a community? Certainly it is newsworthy, but it should be in small print inside the paper. Surely there are more important items for the front page, hopefully more than one item of interest, from our vibrant community at home and overseas. Your decision reeks of self-centred sensationalism, and I would have hoped your ethics and aims were higher than that that your priorities in evaluating the portrayal of different items would have thought of encouraging collective pride and highlighting opportunities for improvement, never forgetting the impact of the newspaper on our non-Jewish neighbours, friends and foes. The AJN has been a great newspaper for a long time, and I expect it to go forward, not backward, and reflect good journalism with balance and sensitivity.
Bellevue Hill, NSW
Preferring The Age
SHOULD The Jewish News be better referred to as “the Anti-Jewish News”? The front page gleefully shouts “Charged” about Rabbi Engel of Adelaide, surely a serial killer, or so one might think. Then a full-page article on brit milah, a mitzvah held dear by the majority of Jews, which is headlined: “Mitzvah or mutilation?” I believe we (Jews) would be better treated by even, dare I say, The Age?
St Kilda East, Vic
WE were absolutely disgusted by the sensationalism your paper indulged in by splashing Adelaide Rabbi Yossi Engel’s photo and caption across the front page of this week’s AJN (19/06). Surely more fuel for anti-Semitism. Surely your editors realise that the paper is seen by all and sundry in the numerous newsagencies that stock it. It is not a paper that relies purely on subscription and home delivery.
North Bondi, NSW
Two Days Before Death

These images have just been released showing Michael Jackson only two days before his death.

He looks so weak in this still. I still can't believe he's gone.

Michael Jackson is obviously not well. Shockingly thin.
I had no idea I would feel so many things over Michael Jackson's death. These photos have just been released and show Jackson rehearsing for his London shows which have been cancelled obviously. I can see in these pictures that Jackson is not 'right'. I've been listening to his music for the last few days. The words mean so much more now that he's gone. I like these new pictures because we have something to remember him by, close to the time of his passing. No covered face or masks.
Just Michael.
Haiz, Fail Again...
Why do I always have to fail like nobody's business!?
Well, the good news is I had an offer from Queen's University to study PHD.... The problem now is to get funding...
Super troublesome, can someone tell me how to live a life without so much trouble and worries and obstacles??? Thanks....

LEAKED details of Michael Jackson's autopsy reveal the singer had wasted away to a virtual skeleton, was almost bald and his hips, thighs and shoulders were riddled with needle marks.
The results indicate 50-year-old Jackson was effectively anorexic, weighing just 50kg at the time he died, his stomach was empty except for a series of pills he had swallowed.Jackson was barely eating and was limiting himself to one meal a day, reported The Sun in London which obtained the autopsy findings.
It is understood Jackson - who died at his rented Los Angeles mansion last Friday - was taking narcotic painkillers three times a day: The evidence of which was shown by numerous needle wounds on his body.
Doctors also found surgery scars which they believe were the result of as many as 13 cosmetic operations in the past 20 years.
At the time of his death, Jackson had been preparing for a major music comeback and was to fly to London to perform 50 sold-out concerts.
But reports are emerging today that in the past fortnight he had stopped working out and was increasingly stressed about demands of performing.
The autopsy report makes for grim reading, The Sun reported, highlighting its key findings that:
THE 180cm tall Jackson, once known for his athleticism, had wasted away to 50kg - about the size of a jockey.
PARTIALLY-DISSOLVED pills which Jackson took before the painkiller injection which stopped his heart were sent for toxicology tests.
HE was almost bald and was wearing a wig, with just a light fuzz covering his scalp.
ABOVE his left ear was a scarred bald section of skin believed the legacy of when his hair caught on fire while filming a Pepsi commercial.
JACKSON had broken ribs caused by paramedics trying to revive the singer. Four injection marks near Jackson's heart were believed caused by attempts to give him adrenaline to restart his heart.
THERE was also unexplained bruising to his knees and skins and cuts on his back.
JACKSON'S notorious nose was a mess, its right-side virtually collapsed, the bridge had vanished and his face bore the scars of plastic surgery.
The results will further focus attention of Dr Conrad Murray who was with Jackson when he died and had been hired to be his personal doctor during his comeback.
Kinder Happy Hippo
Calling on our Sydney readers!
(Unlike other newspapers which have comprehensive online editions, the AJN realises that they cannot allow this, as their hard-copy sale figures would plummet. Whilst other media sources _ Jewish and non-Jewish are reaping big bucks from online advertising, it seems that businesses have given the AJN the thumbs down. Just check out how little advertising their site has.)
Thus we make a special request to our Sydney visitors, please scan and forward any items that you feel may need addressing. We appreciate your help.
Aussie Echo post
I was just made aware of a new blog, AJN Watch, which has been setup to counter the perceived anti-orthodox bias of the Australian Jewish News.
As an observant Jew I must agree that the AJN certainly seems to do its best to highlight any negative issues that the community has and appears to emphasise stories when a frum individual is accused of doing something wrong. Case in point was the disgusting front page in last week's paper of a Rabbi who has been accused of wrongdoing. Despite a one's personal feelings this rabbi has not been tried and found guilty yet. Maybe the Jewish News and others know something we don't but I always thought that one needs to be found guilty by a judge before he is sentenced.
I also find it frustrating that the AJN journalists know very little about the frum community and often have incorrect reports, quotes etc in articles that pertain to us. I put this down to the fact that there do not appear to be any frum journalists (except for Yossi Aron who seems to be confined to one particular area of the paper) and also that the paper does not seem to care about our segment of the community. Until the Jewish News editors and management make a concerted effort to understand the frum section of the community I cannot see this changing.
The solution the writers of the blog propose is to purchase the Hamodia. While I do like this paper it has nothing to do with our local community. I certainly enjoy reading news about frum communities overseas but I would also like to know what is going on in our community. I know that there is a segment of frum Melbourne who care nothing for the less frum but most of us want to know what is happening in the Jewish community. Until there is someone who wants to invest in another newspaper for the Jewish community of Melbourne (or Australia) I cannot see the Hamodia taking the place of the AJN.
If I can offer a defence of the Jewish News (at my peril)...I am sure that we understand that the orthodox community is only a small section of the Melbourne Jewish community. The fact that the overwhelming majority of the journalists are not frum, the owners affiliate strongly with the Liberal/Progressive/Reform (whatever it is being called today) movement and the prevailing culture is extremely secular leads to articles in that paper which have very little Jewish content apart from the fact that they are about Jews or written by Jews. I cannot see this changing.
In any case I am looking forward to reading future posts on this new blog and honestly hope that the owner(s) can encourage a positive change to the Jewish News which will satisfy the majority of the Orthodox community..
We appreciate Aussies Echo's publicising our new blog but at the same time feel that his comments need to be addressed. So here goes:
Aussie Echo:
The solution the writers of the blog propose is to purchase the Hamodia. While I do like this paper it has nothing to do with our local community. I certainly enjoy reading news about frum communities overseas but I would also like to know what is going on in our community.
AJN Watch:
First of all, the Hamodia welcomes reports submitted by every single frum organization and shul. All they need to do is get someone to write about your organization and it will be published – including photographs. Unlike the AJN which cuts submissions to tiny threads and allows only a few words – if that – to be ‘yotzeh’.
OTOH, do you or any other frum Jew really need to know what is happening at the Temple, Betar, Kadimah, Skif camp or the Mt Scopus debutante ball? Will having this muktzeh machmas mius newspaper add to the Yiras Shamayim or Chasidus of children reading about these topics? Or indeed, letting them see a “Jewish” newspaper advertising chazir-treif and mechalel-Shabbos restaurants? Is this the price you are prepared to pay because you “would also like to know what is going on in our community”?
Aussie Echo continues:
I know that there is a segment of frum Melbourne who care nothing for the less frum but most of us want to know what is happening in the Jewish community.
AJN Watch:
Really? Even if the price for your inquisitiveness is that you and your community be abused and vilified continuously as well as exposing the family to anti-religious and anti-Torah content?
FYI, most of the segment of the frum community who don’t allow the AJN into their homes actually DO care about the less frum – but not at the price of bringing toxic trash into their homes. One can care about less frum people without taking such risks.
AE: Until there is someone who wants to invest in another newspaper for the Jewish community of Melbourne (or Australia) I cannot see the Hamodia taking the place of the AJN.
AJN Watch:
Eh? That is EXACTLY why the Hamodia was established. To be the newspaper of record for the entire frum community. But it needs our support. Otherwise you are automatically increasing the strength of the AJN and it’s chazzir-treif restaurants.
AE: “If I can offer a defence of the Jewish News … The fact that the overwhelming majority of the journalists are not frum, the owners affiliate strongly with the Liberal/Progressive/Reform movement and the prevailing culture is extremely secular leads to articles in that paper which have very little Jewish content apart from the fact that they are about Jews or written by Jews. I cannot see this changing.
AJN Watch:
No, of course it won’t change – unless the frum community asserts its powers. It can be done – but their needs to be a will and leadership of our rabbis and layleaders. At the moment this is sadly lacking.

While most members of the Australian Jewry were appalled and sickened at the sensationalism of the front page of last week’s newspaper, many religious Jews just shrugged their shoulders and stated the obvious: “Nu, what can we expect from our self-hating anti-semitic mamzerim”. After all, this is not the first time that the Jewish News has done all in its power to besmirch and slander the face of frum Jews and if nothing is done about it - neither the last time.
As one prominent rabbi stated: “The Zionists have Antony Loewenstein and we have the Jewish News”. While both are outstanding examples of Jewish self-hatred, the AJN in constantly attacking Loewenstein is also guilty of hypocrisy and duplicity.
For the so-called voice of Australian Jewry to so recklessly and idiotically supply fodder to every Nazi and anti-semitic website in the world is simply sickening - even according to their bottom-scraping standards. Check out the Jew-hater's websites and you'll find most of them gleefully linking and quoting from the Australian Jewish News - helping them confirm their hate-propaganda about Jews and rabbis being swindlers and thieves. If the AJN is aiming to increasing anti-semitism worldwide, it is indeed being very successful.
If Chabad communities all over Australia - as well as the orthodox Synagogues - had any pride or self-respect, they would place a ban on all advertising - communal, business and personal on the AJN both their own and of their constituents - until the accepted minimal standards. It is a colossal Chilul Hashem seeing "Stuermer'-style rabbinical vilification on one page and advertisements placed by religious/Chassidic organizations on another.
The AJN ought to be ashamed of itself, but the orthodox community should not sit back and turn the other cheek.
Meshumad dies
HAROLD Vallins, a Melbourne rabbi who converted to Christianity after forming a breakaway congregation in the 1990s, died suddenly earlier this month.
Vallins declared himself a Christian some years after founding a small Jewish congregation in Gardenvale, following an acrimonious split with Bentleigh Progressive Synagogue (BPS) in 1991.
British-born Vallins, an atheist in his youth, said he took up rabbinical studies at the Leo Baeck Theological College of Judaic Studies in London after a rabbi showed him the potential of Judaism. He became a rabbi himself in 1970.
Vallins arrived in Australia in 1981 with his wife Naomi to take up the pulpit at BPS, but tensions between him and the synagogue board led to a parting of the ways 10 years later, triggering a workplace dispute.
His departure from BPS aroused fierce criticism within the synagogue and shortly afterwards, a breakaway congregation, Beit Hatikvah, was founded, with Vallins as its rabbi. But some time later, Vallins, who was involved in interfaith work, stunned congregants by announcing he had converted to Christianity. He left Beit Hatikvah and the congregation was later dissolved.
Vallins attributed his conversion to a number of influences, including a close friendship with a local Church of Christ minister and a prayer session at a Christian conference he attended in Washington DC.
Not too long ago - a Jew who converted out of his faith was considered to be on the lowest rung of his people. He was a Meshumad, despised, cursed and loathed by all. As for a 'rabbi' 'shmadding' himself, that was something virtually unheard of. (Though we all have heard the infamous accursed Shabsi Zvi.)
But typically for the AJN, the death of such a traitor and defector from our faith - is worthy of a sympathetic report. Shame.
OTOH, there are those that claim that from the POV of Judaism, Vallins the Meshumad was no worse than Vallins the Reform clergyman (or actually even than the AJN). And they may well be 100% right. Think about it.
Welcome to AJN Watch
Welcome to the AJN Watch blog which we hope will develop into an important element in debate and thought for our communities.
But when the offender is the Australian Jewish News – no matter how appalling, there is an absolute silence from our community leaders (except of course from those associated with the aggrieved party/ies.)
Of course where it is regarding someone close to them, even where a person has been found guilty and even jailed – not a word! (More about that too at some time in the future.)
And while we understand that there are plenty of you out there who are quite livid about pieces that newspaper, we ask that all comments be reasoned, and written in polite language. Comments that we feel are of more importance will be ‘upgraded’ into posts – for further responses.
IFC Films on DVD, Round 2 + Akerman + Petzold - Michael Jackson

RIP Michael Jackson

The last picture. All attempts to revive MJ failed.

LOS ANGELES — Michael Jackson, the sensationally gifted "King of Pop" who emerged from childhood superstardom to become the entertainment world's most influential singer and dancer before his life and career deteriorated in a freakish series of scandals, died Thursday, a person with knowledge of the situation told The Associated Press. He was 50.
May Michael Rest In Peace

RIP Farrah

Farrah Fawcett has died only minutes ago, after her epic battle with cancer.
She was 62 and a devout Catholic.
It's so sad but I'm happy her suffering is finally over.
God bless you Farrah and your family and friends who supported you for many months.
Christian the Lion
Christian the beautiful lion.
This is still my favorite clip ever.
When I was a little kid I would pretend our perfect dog Brandy was a lion.
When I watch this clip I remember her fondly because we were born only days apart.
Brandy was the most beautiful dog in the world.
I still miss her.

Playing with Brandy the lion and my sister and brother in the snow
Gracious Act
Roti Canai, Chicken Curry and some Fries...
How long have I not tasted Roti Canai??? Ummm..... 2 Years!?
Thank you my dear friend... Now, lets see what should I give him back...
Chilli Con Carne Again
But I still prefer the old one as its fun to say "cheeli kon kan", "cheeli kon kan", "cheeli kon kan", "cheeli kon kan", "cheeli kon kan", "cheeli kon kan", "cheeli kon kan"...... -__-
OK, back to the tajuk (title), made this again cuz I'm a fan of this mexican dish.
Twicked the recipe and I got this chinese version of CCC....
2. Dice carrots and onions (perferably 2 whole onions).
3. Chop some garlic.
Her Burqa Prison

PARIS — President Nicolas Sarkozy declared Monday that the Islamic burqa is not welcome in France, branding the face-covering, body-length gown as a symbol of subservience that suppresses women's identities and turns them into "prisoners behind a screen."
I agree 100% with the President of France.
I find burqas 100% appalling!
I refuse to to spend my tourist dollar in any country that FORCES their women to walk around in these crazy outrageous hot ridiculous costumes. I hate the burqa for they represent everything I'm against.
The oppression/suppression of women is disgusting in any form.
And the hideous burqa is only just one of them.
In Saudi Arabia, women are only now beginning to get 'permission' to drive cars... but not yet on public roads or without a 'watch over' man.
It's crazy.
When I was in Langkawi Malaysia (which was nice except for this dreadful burqa custom and I thought terrible food) I was feeling a bit angry when I saw these poor women walking along the hot and humid beaches with all their many children while being cloaked in this dreadful prison like garb. The poor wife/slave was carrying the family's belongings AND wearing heavy jeans under her burqa costume trudging along the beach doing EVERYTHING.
Meanwhile her husband was walking in a bloody SPEEDO bathing suit eating an ice cream as I caught him literally staring at another Western woman's ass.
What a horrible hairy beast he was/is to enjoy the beach like a regular person all the while making his wife wear that awful HEAVY pitch black burqa.. .....

Marc Abaya Hate Blog

What the hell?
Overnight, so many people wrote to me about the shocking site
I checked it out of course, but it's been removed.
I contacted my connection at Blogger (thank you KH) and he said there was some controversial content......... and it was shut down.
HOW controversial?
My feelers are officially out!
Jean-Jacques Beineix on DVD (Updated)

Shoes - Prada
This time, the showcase would be Prada.

Grindhouse? Maybe?

New Fever Ray Video

Smack Down Cry Baby

The incident pic courtesy of TMZ from the Black Eyed Peas

Karma is a bitch Perez
In this image released by Perez Hilton, celebrity blogger Perez Hilton is shown with an injury beneath his eye, Monday, June 22, 2009, in Toronto. Hilton, whose name is real is Mario Lavandeira, says he got into argument with Fergie and of the Black Eyed Peas at a Toronto nightclub early Monday and was punched outside the club by Polo Molina, the band's manager. Additional marks on the side of Hilton's head and forehead, are from pink paint he wore while attending the MuchMusic Video Awards. (AP Photo)
Dear Readers,
I'm not a big fan of Perez Hilton (Mario Lavandeira) the person, although I do read his gossip blog. What is really weird is I watched him live at the Much Music Video Awards last night in Toronto so I was surprised this ego battle with took place only hours later in a nightclub down the street.
Like I said, I dislike Perez but I read his blog.
I suppose it's the same as people who hate me but still read my blog....religiously.
I'm quite surprised Hilton is still breathing actually because he lives in LaLa land which is a massive crazy collective of Starbucks guzzling, concealed gun loving, prescription drug addicted, highly medicated bunch of transient gypsy vagabonds.
On edge.
What a fucking cry baby Perez Hilton is in his dramatic self serving video.
I couldn't watch it all and for the record, Perez had this coming.
His tears were fabricated... I can tell.
He KNOWS he was wrong to call anyone a faggot OR gay.
Perez er I mean Mario is in full damage control.
The word gay or faggot should NEVER to be used as a weapon by a gay because we hate it when it's done to us.
Perez Hilton is the worst example of a self hating gay.
He's embarrassed he was bitch slapped and I get that but he's also an actress.
Perez Hilton is just too hateful, inside and out and the Black Eyed Peas have simply had enough of his trash talk about their new summer anthem song and lead singer Fergie who Perez refers to as 'fugly' and 'butterface'.
Perez never takes any responsibility whatsoever when in actual fact, he's the instigator of everything.
Perez thinks he's perfect.
And I love
I'm sure Perez Hilton deserved that smack from's manager.
Perez, if you called me a faggot to my face, I would punch your mouth too!
GLAAD -- the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation
GLAAD issued the following statement:
"We have reached out to Hilton and asked him to apologize for promoting this anti-gay slur, and we would ask media outlets to avoid repetition of the slur in their coverage of this story.
For someone in our own community to use it to attack another person by saying that it is, quote, 'The worst possible thing that thug would ever want to hear,' is incredibly dangerous.
It legitimizes use of a slur that is often linked to violence against our community. And it sends a message that it is OK to attempt to dehumanize people by exploiting anti-gay attitudes.
Perez responded with this -
"I am saddened GLAAD chose to victimize me further by criticizing me for how I non-violently dealt with a very scary situation that, unfortunately, turned violent. While I doubt I will get an apology from GLAAD, nor do I expect one, I would just hope people know how difficult it is to intellectualize a situation and think rationally when a thug disguised as a musician is screaming at your face and intimidating you. I am just very fortunate and grateful that nothing more serious happened to me."
You are trying to embarrass/out with trash talk and it don't fly like that with a guy like
Perez, you are such a dope and your pathetic little facial bruise is just that. Pathetic. I've had bigger marks left on my face from tree twigs flung back onto me by an inconsiderate trail walking companion. Violence is never the 'right' answer..... you're right Mario (his real name). But your big mouth started it all so suck it up fatty.
click to watch wa wa wa cry baby Perez.. it's lllooooooonnnnnnnggggggg
UPDATE! Perez has just released this statement!
From the heart:
"Words can hurt. I know that very well, from both sides of the fence. The other night in Toronto, after feeling physically threatened by a verbally abusive Will.I.Am of the Black Eyed Peas, I chose the most hurtful word I know to hurl at him. I was in an out-of-the ordinary situaton and used a word that I would not utter under normal circumstances. My intention - however misguided it may have been - was to stand up for myself and tell this belligerent man that I had enough of his badgering and was not going to continue to let him berate and intimidate me. I wanted to hurt him with the word I chose, not anyone else. Unfortunately, the one who got hurt was me and, subsequently, a lot of other people. I wish none of it had happened. I can't take it back. I did what I thought was best at the moment to stand up for myself in a non-violent yet still assertive way. Clearly, I am not homophobic. Also, I am not nor have I ever claimed to be a spokesperson for the gay community. I am just speaking for myself, a gay man. One who is labeled "flamboyant" in the media. An American that is not granted equal rights under the law. I will continue to speak out for equality and I will continue to say things that upset both gay people and straight people. Who I am as a person and what I do for a living are two separate things. I've come to terms with all my incongruities and am proud of who I am and what I do. In closing, words can hurt. But words should not provoke someone to violence. Stripped away from the mask of Perez Hilton, I have been extremely bothered by the public reaction to my assault. Violence should never be condoned with such statements as "It's Karma" or "I don't believe in violence but….". In fact, several television and radio shows over the past couple of days echoed the sentiment "He had it coming". Would they have said the same thing if I was a woman? Would I have "deserved it" if I had been stabbed? Or shot? Or killed? I was attacked from behind without warning and repeatedly punched in the head in a cold, disgusting and unnecessarily violent manner by Polo Molina, the road manager for the Black Eyed Peas, who I did not even speak with that evening. I did not share any words with him and his assault on me was completely unprovoked. I feel like everything happens for a reason and I leave this traumatic experience as a person with more compassion. Specifically, there was an instance last year when actor Jesse Metcalfe was attacked outside of a Hollywood nightclub by a fellow entertainer. I did not condone the violence, but I did make light of that situation. I regret that. Sincerely. There are many ways to deal with disagreements, both good and bad, but violence is never the answer. Never. I now know that first-hand. It should not be condoned, promoted or accepted. No one "deserves" to be the victim of violence. No one "has it coming." NO ONE. And victims should not be ridiculed. I look forward to marching for equality in Washington, D.C. this October. And I look forward to standing up for my rights in a Toronto courtroom shortly, as I fully intend to seek every lawful remedy against the man that attacked me."
- Perez Hilton
June 23, 2009
Los Angeles, California
I Love Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp as the Mad hatter
Dear Readers,
I just read the new Vanity Fair and the Johnny Depp piece is amazing.
The Tim Burton 3-D flick doesn't come out till spring 2010, but film fans now have their first look at Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter, Anne Hathaway as the White Queen and Helena Bonham Carter as the Red Queen from the upcoming "Alice in Wonderland."
The lead role of Alice will be played by 19-year-old unknown Mia Wasikowska from Australia.
A still from the amazing looking movie

Anne Hathaway

Helena Bonham Carter