Look at the electric bill for 3 months.... o__O !!!
Stop using the heater (its almost spring anyway... :P)
p/s: I've decided not to go back to Malaysia next month... I don't think I have the dignity to go back just yet (ain't working and haven't got a title "engineer" and no constant income)... I know, some of you may say that my parents wouldn't mind, but really, I mind a lot...
As the eldest in the family, I want to have a successful life before going back so that my mum and paps would be proud of me... Its a complicated feeling..
And I really can't fork out the extra money to buy air ticket... I don't wanna borrow $$ from my parents to go back... Its just so....ummm...how should I put it? .... unfilial
p/p/s: Why doees the weather play a trick on me?? When I'd finished my grocery shopping, it started raining cats and dogs and I was forced to walk home drenched in the rain... After I reached home, the rain eventually stop -__- and the sun just shoots out (-__- x 100)