Natural Envy Spotlights: Chrishauna Johnson
This BBG (Beautiful Brown Goddess) from the Mid-West chats with me about her transitions to LA the Culture shock and striving through. Chris allowed me to style, accessorize and makeup, she's usually the Au-natural lady, however this day I wanted to exagerate her beautiful features and regal presence with color. I believe every woman of color should have brights in there closet cause cause as you can see it's absolutely stunning on her, Tribal Africans set this tone and show a truth that brights were meant for people of color. On the pink couch meet Chrishauna Johnson.
KS: Where are you from and where are you now?
KraSJ: I am originally from Indianapolis...MidWest girl in the house! lol....I have been living in Los Angeles for the past few years
KS: What is the culture like where you are from vs the culture where you are now as far a Black Beauty and the perception of beauty is concerned?
Wow...That's a pretty loaded question...I feel African-American beauty... and particularly the beauty of African-American women is embraced more back east. It extends beyond more than negative experiences with just hair. It involves skin color, body frame, etc....The standard of beauty in LA is not in the mold for women of color, it's a direct reflection of what's seen on television and film. And it's always a struggle to see African-American women in that way with those mediums. LA society truly mimicks this in the worst way as well.
KS: What attracted you to the Locs Style?
KraSJ: Well i'm lazy for starters! lol....seriously, it was for a a few key reasons, one being I am a low maintenance girl when it comes to fashion and I think because my personality is so big, I naturallly tone everything else down in my life. my ideal thing is to throw on a pair of cute jeans, some heels, lip gloss, mascara, and call it a day. I wanted the same get-up-and-go flow with my hair. Extenisons still required some styling and super maintanence that just wasn't cutting it for me at this point in my life. Also, I'm an actress, and I wanted a look that I feel would set me apart yet also be more true to who I am - Indian Remi hair doesn't naturally grow from my head! Curly, kinky patterns do and I wanted to find a way to embrace that.
KS: Have you ever had a perm and what was your experience with it?
KraSJ: Oh honey yes! I'm from the Midwest..the whole natural hair thing is just now really coming into play back home. But growing up, that was the norm. It wasn't even a question. You had a perm. It wasn't until I went away to college and got cool with my classmates from the west, that I discovered there was other methods and ways to straighten hair. And I would say that the majority of women in my home state (black women) are still getting perms. It's still the biggest way women wear their hair.
KS: Now being a Loc'd goddess explain your experience with them, like do you experience any type of freedom or a changed outlook now?
It took me a second at first, I can't lie. It's a different look for sure. I felt the way I dressed and my other maitanence had to step up - like keeping my eyebrows groomed - mattered more now. I realized that even if I didn't want to, I was making a strong statement in the way I was rocking my hair. I have always had a perm and then extensions - long wavy hair down my the loc style was an adjustment. I'm still adjusting but it's cool.
Surprisingly all the response has been positive. I had tons of "don't do it!" "you're going to be x y z..." and" no no no"....before I did it. But after it was done, people have genuinely liked it on me. Some still say I should consider going back to extensions - but that's mostly because they say my personality is "valley girl" and that it's still just more acceptable to look the other way, but not because I personally don't look good. I recently just got my first stranger come up to me and say " I love your hair". That was pretty cool.
KS: How do you currently take care of your hair?
The same way I took care of my other "hair" - I pay somebody to do it for me! lol.....right now I go to have my loc's retwisted and washed because I'm still so new. I have two amazing sytlists: Theresa Y. She's from Africa and started me off. My current stylist is Mecai Adeola who has a private suite in Sherman Oaks. She's so knowledgeable about hair care and gifted at styling, and has really been a help in educating me and preparing me to do what I can at home as I go forward with the look.
KS: Do you have any talents that you are pursuing?
talents I can share? ha!.....I'm actress and writer. I am auditioning and have some cool opportunites coming up that I hope will pan out. I'm also currently working on my one woman show - coming soon to cities near you! :)