By Daily Mail Reporter
June 3, 2011
The glossy internet magazine was intended to be a one-stop-shop for violent jihadists intent on inflicting murder and mayhem on the world.
But thanks to British intelligence officers, would-be terrorists found step-by-step recipes for cupcakes instead of instructions on how to make a home-made bomb.
Experts in cyber warfare hacked into the launch edition of Al Qaeda’s flagship magazine Inspire and garbled the text by inserting tasty recipes.

As a result, fanatics found details of mojito-flavoured cupcakes and rocky road cupcakes amid reams of unintelligible computer code.
The secretive sabotage operation was undertaken by agents at MI6 and GCHQ, the Government’s listening station in Cheltenham.
They took action as an organisation linked to Al Qaeda attempted to recruit a new generation of so-called ‘lone wolf’ terrorists.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsular, led by radical preacher Anwar al-Awlaki, produced the 67-page English-language magazine last summer.
It contained a feature headlined Make a bomb in the kitchen of your mom, by an author known as the AQ Chef.
But after it was hacked, readers were confronted with page upon page of cup cake recipes for The Best Cupcakes in America.