"You have to be able to appreciate these things. How many people can say it was a full moon last night and appreciate it?"-Ash Reginald Evasco
Photography : Ash Reginald Evasco -Philippines
Category : Nature- Taken Jan 31, 2010
Tiger Woods' sex fantasies are "not normal," according to the Playboy model who claims to have slept with the golfer. Loredana Jolie told the New York Post that Tiger "would engage in sex from 9 p.m. until the sun came up the next morning."
She also says Tiger "likes role-playing, he likes to be the guy in control and wearing a suit while there are girls performing girl-on-girl and guys entertaining guys."
Jolie, who was born in Italy and was allegedly "one of [Tiger's] favorites," is "not really sure rehab for sex addiction will help him." She previously claimed Woods had sexual encounters with men.
(CNN) -- It was the upstart rock star of the Internet in early 2009, roaring out of relative obscurity to become one of the most exposed -- some would say overexposed -- services on the Web.
But since the middle of last year, the number of Twitter users has flatlined.
Compete, a Web analytics firm, says the microblogging site's number of visitors hasn't changed much since June and that its roughly 22 million visitors in December was about 770,000 fewer than its highest number, which was in August.
Multiple other analysts paint the same picture, raising the question: Has Twitter peaked?
"Maybe Twitter was a victim of its own success," said Andrew Lipsman, an analyst at comScore, another company that tracks traffic on Internet sites. "It grew so quickly that it isn't meeting its own expectations."
Guests who don’t want to hop into a cold bed at one English hotel now have a novel way to warm up: by enlisting a staff member to do it for them.
The Holiday Inn's Kensington, London. location will offer a free five-minute “human bed warming” service throughout next week, according toBritain's Sky News.
So what does a human bed warmer do? A hotel staffer, dressed from head-to-toe in a white, fleecy getup that looks like a cross between a footed pajama set and a snowsuit, will get into your bed upon request and move around, generating some heat between those chilly sheets.
It's akin to “having a giant hot water bottle in your bed,” Holiday Inn spokesperson Jane Bednall told Sky News.
"We were told by the Pentagon that they expected the president to say something in the State of the Union on it," said Senator Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, referring to the speech Obama will deliver on Wednesday evening to a joint session of the U.S. Congress.
But Levin added: "I have no idea" what Obama will say.
Dear Readers,
President Barack Obama is expected to talk about the "Don't ask, don't tell" rule that bars openly gay Americans from serving in the military during his State of the Union address this week.
I'm already tiring of Barack Obama's broken promises with regards to the ridiculous "Don't ask don't tell" policy which is clearly a case of sexual discrimination against the LGBTQ (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgendered Queer) community. Full stop! This entire gay army charade needs clarification in the State of the Union address.
I respect and admire Barack for so many reasons (one being that he is black), but I'm afraid Obama doesn't like the gays too much unless he's canvassing for our votes which he received in abundance.
The vast majority of blacks just don't like us gays and that's a fact. If you even dare and try to compare our equal rights battle with "their" own fight for equal rights, it's for certain that sparks will fly!
Once again, the vast majority of blacks think we "choose" this "lifestyle" but they did not "choose" to be black. Oh what a load of rubbish. We're all the same people fighting for equal rights. Except for the reality that the black community is extremely homophobic. FACT!
Us gays love black people, but the black people seem to have no love for us gays. FACT!
The gays are starting to turn on Barack Obama and that's the last thing the president needs right now. Obama promised so much during his campaign for the top job but has yet to deliver a single positive change.
(WTF? You can be a gay or lesbian officer killed in battle for your country, but you can't live an honest discrimination free open life while doing it?
"Don't ask, don't tell" is a huge embarrassment for America.
This State of the Union is a great opportunity for Barack to right this horrible wrong and at the same time reach out to the black community and show them that there's nothing to fear but fear itself.
And TELL THEM, that we ARE born gay!
Just like they are born black!
We're all watching and listening.