As April comes to a close, naturally I haven't gotten around to all the films I'd like to, but I've added the films I've already discussed on the sidebar of this blog. More will follow. I've also started a regular feature on
Film for the Soul's
Counting Down the Zeroes, which goes through the major film awards of each given year. I've already gone through 2000, and 2001 will close sometime next month.

Of course, in relation to the films of 2001, it's a pretty infamous year as far as awards are concerned, not least of which being at the Oscars, where they dropped the liberal card and played it safe at the very same time. Ron Howard beat out Robert Altman (for one of his lesser, but fine, films), David Lynch (for one of his best efforts), Peter Jackson (who would win when the third
LOTR rolled around) and Ridley Scott (whose
Black Hawk Down forgave
Hannibal, for many people) in the Best Director race. The Academy introduced the long-overdue Best Animated Feature prize which decided to nominate
Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius over Richard Linklater's
Waking Life (the first
Shrek would be the first winner in this category). And then, there was Denzel Washington, Best Actor winner for a medicore genre film where he would spend less time onscreen than Best Supporting Actor nominee Ethan Hawke, and Halle Berry, who
actually beat out Sissy Spacek. Despite the love shown for
Amèlie in its native country, at the Independent Spirits and at the box office, Danis Tanovic's
No Man's Land routinely topped it at both the Golden Globes and Oscars. And the Razzies once again showed that they don't really "get" it, with
Freddy Got Fingered sweeping the awards Mariah Carey and a bunch of apes couldn't. Tom Green would be the first person to show up to receive his "honors," though I heard the year's Best Actress Oscar-winner did the same for
Palme d'Or:
La stanza del figlio (
The Son's Room) [d. Nanni Moretti]
Grand Prix:
La pianiste (
The Piano Teacher) [d. Michael Haneke]
Best Director: (tie) David Lynch -
Mulholland Drive; Joel Coen -
The Man Who Wasn't ThereBest Actor: Benoît Magimel -
La pianisteBest Actress: Isabelle Huppert -
La pianiste [unanimously]
Best Screenplay: Danis Tanović -
No Man's LandTechnical Grand Prize: Tu Du-Che -
Millennium MamboCamera d'Or:
Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner [d. Zacharias Kunuk]
Golden Lion:
Monsoon Wedding [d. Mira Nair]
Grand Special Jury Prize:
Hundstage (
Dog Days) [d. Ulrich Seidl]
Best Actor: Luigi Lo Cascio -
Luce dei miei occhi [
Light of My Eyes]
Best Actress: Sandra Ceccarelli -
Luce dei miei occhiCareer Golden Lion: Eric Rohmer
People's Choice Award:
Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (
Amélie) [d. Jean-Pierre Jeunet]
Discovery Award:
Chicken Rice War [d. Cheah Chee Kong]
Best Canadian Feature:
Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner [d. Zacharias Kunuk]
Golden Bear:
Intimacy [d. Patrice Chéreau]
Best Director:
Lin Cheng-sheng -
Betelnut BeautyBest Actor: Benicio Del Toro -
TrafficBest Actress: Kerry Fox -
IntimacyJury Grand Prix:
Beijing Bicycle [d. Wang Xiaoshuai]
Jury Prize:
Italiensk for begyndere (
Italian for Beginners) [d. Lone Scherfig]
Outstanding Artistic Achievment:
You're the one (una historia de entonces) [d. Raúl Pérez Cubero]
Honorary Golden Bear: Kirk Douglas
Teddy (Feature):
Hedwig and the Angry Inch [d. John Cameron Mitchell]
Teddy (Documentary):
Trembling Before G-d [d. Sandi Simcha Dubowski]
Teddy (Jury Award):
Forbidden Fruit [d. Sue Maluwa-Bruce, Beate Kunath]
Grand Jury Prize (Dramatic):
The Believer [d. Henry Bean]
Grand Jury Prize (Documentary):
Southern Comfort [d. Kate Davis]
Director (Dramatic): John Cameron Mitchell -
Hedwig and the Angry InchDirector (Documentary): Stacy Peralta -
Dogtown and Z-BoysSpecial Jury Prize (Dramatic):
In the Bedroom, for Tom Wilkinson and Sissy Spacek
Special Jury Prize (Documentary):
Children Underground [d. Edet Belzberg]
Cinematography (Dramatic): Giles Nuttgens -
The Deep EndCinematography (Documentary): Albert Maysles -
LaLee's Kin: The Legacy of CottonAudience Award (Dramatic):
Hedwig and the Angry InchAudience Award (Documentary): (tie)
Dogtown and Z-Boys;
Scout's Honor [d. Tom Shepard]
Audience Award (World Cinema):
The Road Home [d. Zhang Yimou]
Academy Awards
Best Picture:
A Beautiful Mind [d. Ron Howard]
Best Director: Ron Howard -
A Beautiful MindBest Actor: Denzel Washington -
Training DayBest Actress: Halle Berry -
Monster's BallBest Supporting Actor: Jim Broadbent -
IrisBest Supporting Actress: Jennifer Connelly -
A Beautiful MindBest Original Screenplay: Julian Fellowes -
Gosford ParkBest Adapted Screenplay: Akiva Goldsman -
A Beautiful MindBest Cinematography: Andrew Lesnie -
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the RingBest Documentary:
Un coupable idéal (
Murder on a Sunday Morning) [d. Jean-Xavier de Lestrade, Denis Poncet]
Best Foreign Film:
No Man's Land [d. Danis Tanović]
Animated Feature:
Shrek [d. Aron Warner]
Honorary Award: Sidney Poitier, Robert Redford
Best Film:
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring [d. Peter Jackson]
Best Director: Peter Jackson -
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the RingBest British Film:
Gosford Park [d. Robert Altman]
Best Actor: Russell Crowe -
A Beautiful MindBest Actress: Judi Dench -
IrisBest Supporting Actor: Jim Broadbent -
Moulin Rouge!Best Supporting Actress: Jennifer Connelly -
A Beautiful MindBest Original Screenplay: Guillaume Laurant, Jean-Pierre Jeunet -
AmélieBest Adapted Screenplay: Ted Elliott, Terry Rossio, Joe Stillman, Roger S.H. Shulman -
ShrekBest Cinematography: Roger Deakins -
The Man Who Wasn't ThereFilm Not in the English Language:
Amores perros [d. Alejandro González Iñárritu]
European Film Awards
Best Film:
Amélie [d. Jean-Pierre Jeunet]
Best Director: Jean-Pierre Jeunet -
AmélieBest Actor: Ben Kingsley -
Sexy BeastBest Actress: Isabelle Huppert -
La pianiste (
The Piano Teacher)
Best Cinematography: Bruno Delbonnel -
AmélieBest Screenplay: Danis Tanovic -
No Man's LandBest Documentary:
Black Box BRD [d. Andres Veiel]
El Bola [d. Achero Mañas]
Screen International:
Moulin Rouge! [d. Baz Luhrmann]
Audience Award (Actor): Colin Firth -
Bridget Jones's DiaryAudience Award (Actress): Juliette Binoche -
ChocolatAudience Award (Director): Jean-Pierre Jeunet -
AmélieLife Achievement Award: Monty Python
Independent Spirit
Best Feature:
Memento [d. Christopher Nolan]
Best First Feature:
In the Bedroom [d. Todd Field]
Best Director: Christopher Nolan -
MementoBest Male Lead: Tom Wilkinson -
In the BedroomBest Female Lead: Sissy Spacek -
In the BedroomBest Supporting Male: Steve Buscemi -
Ghost WorldBest Supporting Female: Carrie-Anne Moss -
MementoBest Debut Performance: Paul Dano -
L.I.E.Best Screenplay: Christopher Nolan -
MementoBest First Screenplay: Daniel Clowes, Terry Zwigoff -
Ghost WorldBest Cinematography: Peter Deming -
Mulholland DriveBest Documentary:
Dogtown and Z-Boys [d. Stacy Peralta]
Best Foreign Film:
Amélie [d. Jean-Pierre Jeunet]
Someone to Watch Award: Debra Eisenstadt -
Daydream BelieverGolden Globes
Picture (Drama):
A Beautiful Mind [d. Ron Howard]
Picture (Comedy/Musical):
Moulin Rouge! [d. Baz Luhrmann]
Director: Robert Altman -
Gosford ParkActor (D): Russell Crowe -
A Beautiful MindActress (D): Sissy Spacek -
In the BedroomActor (M/C): Gene Hackman -
The Royal TenenbaumsActress (M/C): Nicole Kidman -
Moulin Rouge!Supporting Actor: Jim Broadbent -
IrisSupporting Actress: Jennifer Connelly -
A Beautiful MindScreenplay: Akiva Goldsman -
A Beautiful MindForeign Film:
No Man's Land [d. Danis Tanović]
Cecil B. DeMille Award: Harrison Ford
Césars Awards
Best Film (Meilleur film):
Amélie [d. Jean-Pierre Jeunet]
Best Director (Meilleur réalisateur): Jean-Pierre Jeunet -
AmélieBest Actor (Meilleur acteur): Michel Bouquet -
Comment j'ai tué mon père (
How I Killed My Father)
Best Actress (Meilleure actrice): Emmanuelle Devos -
Sur mes lèvres (
Read My Lips)
Best Supporting Actor (Meilleur acteur dans un second rôle): André Dussollier -
La chambre des officiers (
Officer's Ward)
Best Supporting Actress (Meilleure actrice dans un second rôle): Annie Girardot -
La pianiste (
The Piano Teacher)
Most Promising Actor (Meilleur espoir masculin): Robinson Stévenin -
Mauvais genres (
Most Promising Actress (Meilleur espoir féminin): Rachida Brakni -
ChaosBest Screenplay (Meilleur scénario): Jacques Audiard, Tonino Benacquista -
Sur mes lèvresBest Cinematography (Meilleure photographie): Tetsuo Nagata -
La chambre des officiersBest Foreign Film (Meilleur film étranger):
Mulholland Drive [d. David Lynch]
Best First Film (Meilleur premier film):
No Man's Land [d. Danis Tanović]
Honorary Césars: Anouk Aimée, Jeremy Irons, Claude Rich
Worst Film:
Freddy Got Fingered [d. Tom Green]
Worst Director: Tom Green -
Freddy Got FingeredWorst Actor: Tom Green -
Freddy Got FingeredWorst Actress: Mariah Carey -
GlitterWorst Supporting Actor: Charlton Heston -
Cats & Dogs,
Planet of the Apes,
Town & CountryWorst Supporting Actress: Estella Warren -
Planet of the Apes,
DrivenWorst Screenplay: Tom Green, Derek Harvie -
Freddy Got FingeredWorst Remake/Sequel:
Planet of the Apes [d. Tim Burton]